nine years

One of my favorite pictures taken as we were leaving our wedding celebrations nine years ago.

We've been married nine years! I can't believe it's been that long. We've actually been together as a couple for 12 years. He has been my one and only love for 12 years! And I am only 27 years old! It's crazy! I feel that in the past couple of years we have come to a place of real comfort, security, and trust.
  • He balances me out. I am constantly amazed at his wisdom and downright common sense.
  • I'm a little more type A and neurotic. He is calm and collected in almost all situations.
  • He offers simple solutions to everything, whereas I always find the most complicated frustrating route!
  • He has taught me to lighten up, and not take life so seriously!
  • He can fix anything. It may take him a year, but it gets done! ha!
  • He makes me laugh. Sometimes hysterically!
  • We love to stay up late on the weekends watching movies, or just watching programs on our DVR.
  • He still loves to come home to our daughter and I every day!
We have only been on one "date" in a year! We actually don't mind going out together, the three of us. We go plenty of places, and do many things together as a family unit. But we both realize that going out, just the two of us is rejuvenating. We are going to do it more often!

Thanks to our friends, this past weekend we were able to actually go out alone for dinner to celebrate our anniversary.
We went to one of the better restaurants here in Fairbanks called The Pumphouse.

We arrived only a half an hour after dinner started, so it was pretty quiet. Service at any restaurant in Fairbanks is relatively slow. The Pumphouse was no exception. It was o.k. though. We didn't have a six year old beside us getting antsy, and we had nowhere else to be.
I ordered one of their famous Mojitos, and David a locally brewed beer.
David ordered the pistachio nut encrusted, Fresh Alaskan Halibut sauteed in a Ginger vin blanc sauce. I am not a seafood girl. It's sad because we live in one of the best places for sea food. The halibut was pretty good, I just couldn't get past the fact that it tasted sort of like the fish sticks I ate as a kid.
I thoroughly enjoyed my Filet Mignon served with herb steak butter, fresh sugar snap peas, and Yukon Gold au gratin potatoes. It was a whopping 10 oz. so David helped me finish it.
We ended dinner with a freshly made cobbler, of strawberry and rhubarb, topped with ice cold vanilla ice cream, and a cappuccino for me to compliment it.
They brought the "dessert tray" table side for you to choose from the many delectable items!
I took our little point and shoot camera with us, but left it in the car. I resolved to enjoy our dinner and time together sans pictures!
Here's to nine more years, and then some!

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Snorkeling in Cozumel, Mexico circa 1998.


  1. NINE years !?!?! Wow ! I can't believe you guys have been married that long !! Congratulations !! Loved the post ... I've been missing the Khrista blog !!

  2. nine years! wow! congrats... it doesn't seem that long, it's just flown by. but at the same time, it seems you guys have been together forever! :) cute pictures!

  3. Congrats!! Nine years is a long time!


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