Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Johnson

(Click on the above image to see a gallery of pictures from the celebration.)

The evening couldn't have been more beautiful. The sunset was gorgeous, the food was excellent and the company was perfect! The celebration took place at my parent's new home in North Carolina.
The heat was a bit much for a few guests, who trickled into the air conditioning of my parent's living room, but for the most part it was a great time enjoyed outdoors with the music rockin'!
We celebrated informally, all the guests dressed comfortably, some even brought their swim suits to take a dip in the pool.
We dined on fine southern pork barbecue (my Grandaddy's famous recipe), baked beans (prepared impeccably by my Dad), pinwheel wrap sandwiches (so beautiful in their presentation, lovingly made by Rachel), veggies and fruits complete with each their own special dip, spinach dip with Hawaiian bread (my mom's specialty) and good ole' sweet tea!
Their cake was beautifully prepared by a friend of Marissa's. It was absolutely delicious! We all enjoyed it the next day! It didn't last longer than that before the last morsel was consumed!
Some guests flooded the yard, dancing to the music. You'll see in some of the pictures, Jacob tried pretty unsuccessfully to dance the Macarena. :o) Oh, and he goofed off with his friends and played chicken with his nephew on his shoulders. Yes they are the same age! Born only 5 days apart!
It was a great time for all, and we are so thankful we were able to be there to celebrate with them!
We love you guys and pray for only the best for you three as you embark on this journey called life!


  1. YEAH !!! You are back !! I've missed you !! :) I had a look at ALL the photos !! Sheesh you take a lot of photos ! ha. But it was fun ! I loved that there were so many photos ! Made me feel like I was there ! I could "hear" the music and the laughter. I could "smell" and "taste" the food ! I could "feel" the love ! One thing though ... isn't Jacob still four years old like I remember him ?!? How can he be married and expecting a baby !?! Life goes by so quickly, doesn't it ?

    I noticed your new reading materials. What do you think of The Glass Castle ? AND I LOVED Blue Like Jazz ! Great book !!

    Ok ... I'm off to read the post before this one !!

  2. glad you guys had a good trip, despite the travel part. :P love all the pictures from the reception - looks like everyone had a great time! i can't believe how grown up everyone is though. makes me feel really old! :) i'm looking forward to seeing the other pictures you mentioned.


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