hairy mustaches

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Spurred on by my friend Bonnie's recent trip to the hair salon, and her schemes to freak out her hair dresser one day, (read her commentary here) I want to post these pictures from June.

Gwyneth participated in the library's summer reading program this year. The theme was "mystery." It was actually really cool the little events, and crafts they had. I love our library! It's awesome!
One of the last events was a craft night. At the closing of the craft they handed out stickers, and your very own mystery disguise: a mustache.
Gwyneth agreed to get one, only if I would wear one with her. So we walked out of the library wearing our disguises.
She tired of it real quick, and became embarrassed. So I handed her mustache to Daddy, and he and I got a kick out of the looks we received driving around town. The most hilarious response was this man in the parking lot driving along who took a double-take. Literally! Rubber-neck and all! It was so funny!

(No, my camera is not sick, I ran a vintage film action on some of these pictures.)
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David sporting his Charlie Chaplin mustache. He looks a bit like his brother here.
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She thought stickers on her cheeks were less embarassing. :o)
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David is...

I am Fanny Price!

Take the Quiz here!

You are Fanny Price of Mansfield Park! You are quiet and faithful, but those around you may think you priggish. You love deeply but jealously, and the thoughts and values of your loved one - good and bad - rub off on you.

Thinking there may be guy questions in the quiz, David took it too. And why not. I think it's a very good idea to include Ms. Austen's dashing men...but alas David is Miss Fanny Price...
Hold off the laughter... :o)


I have the worst cold...ick...I woke up Wednesday morning feeling like I had swallowed a million nails. Hindsight, I should have known it was coming. I was feeling really "off" Monday and Tuesday. But not like this. It came on hard and fast!
So if I don't answer the phone, you know why. I can hardly talk it hurts so much! I sound like a frog!
Gwyneth's school books arrived, so my weekend is going to be filled with scheduling that!
I love the curriculum! It's laid out in detail for me. Not much planning on my part. It has lesson plans and everything! Our school schedule should be Mon.-Fri. 9am-12:30pm. It was so cute when the UPS man dropped off the books. Gwyneth was so excited and wanted to tear the package open immediately! I remember those days! When I was in homeschool I was always just as excited! New books for school, new schedule, new pencils, erasers, folders...anyone remember Trapper Keepers? I wonder if they still make those! I loved those!
Tonight is Pizza Night! Yipee! I hope my tastebuds perk up! Have a great weekend!

P.S. My signature was inspired by my friend Bonnie. It is my actual signature! Neat-o!

Little Quiz

I am Elinor Dashwood!
You are Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility!
You are practical, circumspect, and discreet. Though you are tremendously sensible and allow your head to rule, you have a deep, emotional side that few people often see.
(Click on the above image to take the quiz.)
I cannot wait to see this movie. I missed it when it was at the one theater in town, and am patiently waiting for it to come out on DVD. Supposed to be in January. Boo! Hoo!
(Click the below image to watch the trailer.)

The poster above is a UK version, so the date is off from the US. I just like the pictures better than the US version! ha!

Freezing Already

It's currently 25° as I type this.
This morning I woke up and opened the blinds and was greeted by the first visible frost this season. Winter comes so soon here!
It's already colder here this morning, than where my parents live, will get all winter! CRAZY!

This was on the local paper's website this morning:
"’s very rare to go through the month of September without snow falling, so residents should begin preparing for the first measurable snowfall of the season..."
...Here we go!

nine years

One of my favorite pictures taken as we were leaving our wedding celebrations nine years ago.

We've been married nine years! I can't believe it's been that long. We've actually been together as a couple for 12 years. He has been my one and only love for 12 years! And I am only 27 years old! It's crazy! I feel that in the past couple of years we have come to a place of real comfort, security, and trust.
  • He balances me out. I am constantly amazed at his wisdom and downright common sense.
  • I'm a little more type A and neurotic. He is calm and collected in almost all situations.
  • He offers simple solutions to everything, whereas I always find the most complicated frustrating route!
  • He has taught me to lighten up, and not take life so seriously!
  • He can fix anything. It may take him a year, but it gets done! ha!
  • He makes me laugh. Sometimes hysterically!
  • We love to stay up late on the weekends watching movies, or just watching programs on our DVR.
  • He still loves to come home to our daughter and I every day!
We have only been on one "date" in a year! We actually don't mind going out together, the three of us. We go plenty of places, and do many things together as a family unit. But we both realize that going out, just the two of us is rejuvenating. We are going to do it more often!

Thanks to our friends, this past weekend we were able to actually go out alone for dinner to celebrate our anniversary.
We went to one of the better restaurants here in Fairbanks called The Pumphouse.

We arrived only a half an hour after dinner started, so it was pretty quiet. Service at any restaurant in Fairbanks is relatively slow. The Pumphouse was no exception. It was o.k. though. We didn't have a six year old beside us getting antsy, and we had nowhere else to be.
I ordered one of their famous Mojitos, and David a locally brewed beer.
David ordered the pistachio nut encrusted, Fresh Alaskan Halibut sauteed in a Ginger vin blanc sauce. I am not a seafood girl. It's sad because we live in one of the best places for sea food. The halibut was pretty good, I just couldn't get past the fact that it tasted sort of like the fish sticks I ate as a kid.
I thoroughly enjoyed my Filet Mignon served with herb steak butter, fresh sugar snap peas, and Yukon Gold au gratin potatoes. It was a whopping 10 oz. so David helped me finish it.
We ended dinner with a freshly made cobbler, of strawberry and rhubarb, topped with ice cold vanilla ice cream, and a cappuccino for me to compliment it.
They brought the "dessert tray" table side for you to choose from the many delectable items!
I took our little point and shoot camera with us, but left it in the car. I resolved to enjoy our dinner and time together sans pictures!
Here's to nine more years, and then some!

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Snorkeling in Cozumel, Mexico circa 1998.

Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Johnson

(Click on the above image to see a gallery of pictures from the celebration.)

The evening couldn't have been more beautiful. The sunset was gorgeous, the food was excellent and the company was perfect! The celebration took place at my parent's new home in North Carolina.
The heat was a bit much for a few guests, who trickled into the air conditioning of my parent's living room, but for the most part it was a great time enjoyed outdoors with the music rockin'!
We celebrated informally, all the guests dressed comfortably, some even brought their swim suits to take a dip in the pool.
We dined on fine southern pork barbecue (my Grandaddy's famous recipe), baked beans (prepared impeccably by my Dad), pinwheel wrap sandwiches (so beautiful in their presentation, lovingly made by Rachel), veggies and fruits complete with each their own special dip, spinach dip with Hawaiian bread (my mom's specialty) and good ole' sweet tea!
Their cake was beautifully prepared by a friend of Marissa's. It was absolutely delicious! We all enjoyed it the next day! It didn't last longer than that before the last morsel was consumed!
Some guests flooded the yard, dancing to the music. You'll see in some of the pictures, Jacob tried pretty unsuccessfully to dance the Macarena. :o) Oh, and he goofed off with his friends and played chicken with his nephew on his shoulders. Yes they are the same age! Born only 5 days apart!
It was a great time for all, and we are so thankful we were able to be there to celebrate with them!
We love you guys and pray for only the best for you three as you embark on this journey called life!

Home (bitter) Sweet Home

~This was what a few rooms looked like Tuesday as we unpacked. Everything is washed and put away (even the luggage) as of Wednesday night! ha! We unpack pretty quick. David is the best! He unpacked a lot of it! I can't stand having luggage hanging around for weeks!~

We're home again from our ten day stay in North Carolina, visiting my parents, and siblings. We had a wonderful time! It was so hard to leave! You would think it would get easier ever time we say goodbye, but I have found it only gets harder. Especially now that we live so far away.

It was not and easy trip. We missed our connecting flight in Atlanta from Anchorage because of a delay leaving Alaska. In Atlanta we had to fly stand-by. Separate! They only had two seats available on the next flight, so David sent Gwyneth and I on along, and waited behind to catch another flight. We got on the plane and the attendant told me they had two seats available, separate seats! I looked at him in disbelief! I replied "She's only six!" I don't think anyone would want to sit next to a six year old, unattended. The attendant asked the man in the back of the plane where one of the empty seats was located if he would mind sitting in the other available seat, so that Gwyneth and I could sit together. The man initially refused. Two men to the right of me, one a sailor, offered to relocate to the vacant seats and let us sit where they were. Finally the man from the back came up front and said he would sit up there and we could have his seat and the adjacent one. He still didn't look too happy to have to move. When I passed him to get to our seats, I said "Thank you very much!" He ignored me! How rude! I was already on the verge of tears from having to leave David behind, my guard came down then, and a few tears slipped by unwillingly! UGH! I felt like crying the whole way to Virginia! David did not get on the next flight, but fortunately got on the following one! Needless to say it was a VERY long day. Approximately 9 hrs. flight time and 1 hr. delay in Atlanta for Gwyneth and I. David had about the same amount of flight time, but was delayed in Atlanta for at least 4 hours!
We left Anchorage at 1AM EST and Gwyneth and I arrived in VA around 12 NOON EST. Approximately 11 hours travel time.
David's was around 14 hours.

Our trip home was a bit better. We had a 7 hour layover in Atlanta, so we called David's brother Alan, his wife, and two boys who live nearby and asked if we could meet them for a few hours. They picked us up and took us back the their place and we had Arby's for lunch and had a great time talking around the table. (I feel bad though, because I was fighting sleep really bad! I was exhausted from getting up at 4 AM EST! Gwyneth and I both fell asleep on the way back to the airport!) The kids got along really well and had a good time too! It's been about8 months since we've seen Alan, two years since we've seen Sherri, and longer since we've seen the boys. It was really great to see them again! Just wish we could have visited longer! (And not been so sleepy! ha!)

We were delayed about a half an hour leaving Atlanta because of a faulty part. Maintenance fixed it and we were on our way. LONG flight! Gwyneth didn't sleep much until the end of the flight, then we had to wake her and she was a bear! My friend Courtney picked us up and took us to her place to pick up our car. We were so exhausted I hardly remember it. I do remember feeling bad because I wanted to visit with her a bit more, but knew we would nod off on her! :o) We made a pit stop at the grocery store to pick up stuff for breakfast the next morning and then made our way to our room for the night. Then we CRASHED! I was out the entire night, and David and Gwyneth were up before me the next morning! We checked out the next morning and went to Lonestar Steakhouse for lunch.
Now, eating at Lonestar is a family tradition when we go back to see my family. We always go at least once when we are there. It's a family favorite!

Their Amarillo Cheese Fries (a.k.a. "heart-attack-on-a-plate") are so yummy, and their Signature Lettuce Wedge (a cool, crisp wedge of iceberg lettuce smothered in rich, creamy bleu cheese and tomatoes) is outta this world! David got a steak with their famous sweet potato, which he was kind enough to share!

(Gwyneth hamming it up! They had a really great interior in this particular restaurant. I loved the domed ceiling!)
Unfortunately we were unable to make it to Lonestar while we were back home, but we made up for it, just the three of us!

I'll share some photos of the road trip to and from Anchorage soon! It's really beautiful country here in Alaska!

I'll also share some of the tons of photos I took while visiting my family! I have some of Jacob and Marissa's wedding reception, my nephew Daniel's high school senior portraits, a mini photo session with one of Jake and Marissa's friends (she's too cute!) and LOTS of pictures of the kiddos, and daily life there!
Till next time!
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