Random Happenings...

We enjoyed this past 4 day weekend. David had Fri. Sat. Sun. & Mon. off!
  • Friday we spent here around the house, cleaning, and David was making his car
    ready to sell. We actually put it on Auto Trader last night. We'll see how that goes. Pizza Night later that evening. David helped his Dad and bro-in-law put up new lattice around his shed and electrical box in the backyard. We had torn down the old lattice the previous Monday.
  • Saturday I woke up early to prepared Gwyneth and I to go to gymnastics. David had to stay home with the repair man who didn't show up till after we got home anyway. So...back to gymnastics...yeah, it might be a good idea to check before hand if they are actually open on a long holiday weekend! We drove all the way out there and found the note on the door saying they were closed. I was a little miffed to say the least. Mostly at myself for not being aware of it. It was o.k. though because Gwyneth takes gymnastics really close to the only Krispie Kreme doughnut shop in town. We stopped in there on our way home and got a dozen yummy doughnuts. Gwyneth got to see the assembly line of doughnuts being fried and glazed right in front of us! She got a hat too!
  • Sunday we had a Labor Day BBQ at David's dad's house. Breaking in his new enclosed patio in the backyard. We had pork ribs that I slow cooked in the oven all day long and then we grilled them the last 15 minutes. Mmmm...I made macaroni salad, English pea salad, deviled eggs, and pineapple upside down cake...Late on we played a game of Golf. (it's become sort of our family game.)
  • Monday I went out with my photographer friend Steve for a senior promo photo shoot. I got to watch him conduct a session downtown in urban settings...alley ways, doorways, walkways, street corners...

    It was fun and I took a few images that I will probably put on the photo blog. Later that day we relaxed around the house, I scheduled Gwyneth's first week of school. David and I watched a movie called "V For Vendetta." Interesting movie, not a happy-go-lucky movie though, not sure I'd recommend it.
So yesterday was Gwyneth's first day of Kindergarten Home School. We chose to keep her home one more year. I ordered a Kindergarten curriculum, and scheduled it myself. We thought it was a better choice than putting her in school here, and then having to transfer her after only a few months. It will also be easier during the move as we won't have the added pressure of her being absent from school so many days. It seems to be a good option. We had fun yesterday with all her new books. She actually enjoyed it and was so excited about her Math book. Hmmm...definitely does not get that from her Mommy....
Last night David's dad took us out to dinner for our upcoming 8 year wedding anniversary. He is going on a trip tomorrow so he wouldn't be here to celebrate. He took us to the restaurant of our choice. (Olive Garden of course...Gwyneth and I's choice really.) I thought it was very thoughtful of him and we really enjoyed it.
Better wrap this up....this could very well be one of my longest posts....and if you are still reading...God bless you! Ha!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, your photography is stunning! I'm so sad you won't be at Richardson so we can hook up when I go back home to visit!!


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