It’s been a while, so I thought I should update this. Last week I didn’t feel like doing ANYTHING! I was sick the whole week. 10 days to be exact! (so about the same amount of time I have neglected the blog.) I had an awful sore throat, and a cough, almost lost my voice at one point. I went and got a strep test, but it came back negative, so I knew I just had to tough it out. LOTS of water and zinc lozenges, and I am back to good as new.

Life just shifted to high gear for us. David set up our trip to Alaska yesterday and we now have plane tickets for mid December. It kind of stinks that we will be moving during the holidays, but that time frame seemed the best. We’ll actually get there before the first day of winter…as if it makes any difference in ALASKA! Ha! We have less than 80 days left in the lower 48!
I am attending the overseas transportation briefing next week to set up a date for the movers to come and pack out our household goods, and set up shipment of my CR-V.
We know that we will be moving out of this house the middle of November (That’s only a month and a half away!). David’s dad has already opened up his home to us for the month we will be here before we fly out. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family! We get to stay in a newly decorated queen suite! (We’ve been helping him redecorate his home for the last few months…David and I picked out the bedding and new queen sized bed frame he now has in that room.)
I can’t believe how soon we will be moving! It’s right around the corner!

This past weekend was a good one. On Saturday we went out shopping and then to Coldstone Creamery for ice cream... NEVER go to Coldstone and order plain vanilla ice cream! That’s what I did…but in my defense I ordered it because Gwyneth ordered cake batter flavored ice cream with rainbow sprinkles and Oreo cookie mix-ins. I was certain one of us would be stuck eating her concoction, so I ordered the safe ice cream to give her when she decided she didn’t like her choice. She ate it ALL, save two bites for mommy and daddy. Next time I’m getting the cake batter ice cream! It tastes just like a yellow cake batter! Mmmm…. David got cheesecake with white chocolate chips. A pretty good storm came through just as we went to get ice cream so we got it to go (in case it brought hail), and enjoyed it at home.

Shortly after arriving home our power went out. It was out a total of 3 ½ hours!
Since it wasn’t bedtime yet we lit some candles and played Sorry by candlelight. After we put Gwyneth to bed David and I played Canasta by candlelight. It was kind of nice not having the modern distractions we have everyday. It was so quiet without the refrigerator, and A/C running. No TV, or computer….just us and a good old fashioned card game.
Of course I took pictures, silly!…

Bedtime stories by flashlight...

Sunday we went to church and had a lazy afternoon at home watching football, and each doing our own thing. Later that evening we went to “Pop-Pop’s” for our middle niece’s 11th birthday celebration. Gwyneth was asking all day “Is it time to go, is it time to go?” It was a nice evening, with more football, good food and cake, and family. Here's a couple pictures of the real party animals:

Yesterday it was back to the daily grind. I made it to the gym, for day 1 of 3 (hopefully) this week. School… washed all the bed linens… and mowed and edged the entire front and back yard! I had a little energy…but boy and I hurting today! Ha! The backyard had gotten too high for me to be comfortable with Gwyneth playing out there. I have never liked our backyard here. We have so many bugs, mosquitoes, spiders, and an occasional snake that leaves behind it’s skin (see this post.) Last night was the first night in a while we were able to go out and actually enjoy it. I lit the citronella tiki torches and the candle on the patio table. It was a cool 75 degrees or so. Gwyneth drove her Barbie car in the dark (the porch light was on but parts of the yard were still pretty dark.)
and David and I played darts.
We pulled the computer speakers out on the patio and had some music going too. It was really nice!
Today is a pretty slow day, I did Pilates this morning (I plan to do that three days a week as well) school with Gwyneth, and we’re about to head out to the grocery store for some much needed provisions! Just to hold us over to the weekend, then we have to do some major shopping! (yuck!)

So since I have now written a book I will close for now. I need to post more often than once every 10 days to prevent long posts like this! I will try…

Update on my Mom: She had the endoscope and they did not find anything cancerous, but she did have a bacterial infection so they gave her antibiotics. She will however be having surgery to correct one of her bones in her foot on October 6th. So please keep that in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it has been a while! You have been busy too. So you're flying to Alaska, huh? I guess that means no stopovers in Nampa, Idaho. :( Well, good luck with the packing and everything! Maybe we'll have to plan to meet in Canada sometime next year! :) I'm glad everything turned out ok with your mom. We have been praying! Is it Fairbanks you are moving too? Some friends of ours used to live in Alaska, and they were giving me some details...


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