Random thoughts and Photos

It is currently 36° here. Burrr! Just Thursday the high was near 80°! We're all going to get sick, I just know it!
I should be writing out a grocery list...but again, I am procrastinating. The cold weather has me wanting to do nothing other more than sit with a warm beverage and watch movies all afternoon.
Goals for today:
Khrista: Grocery shop (maybe scrapbook!)
David: Work on his car to get it in shape to sell.
Gwyneth: Play, play, play
Might be a trip to Walmart in there somewhere since David has some money and it's burning a hole in his pocket!
Here are some photos I took the other night...and one of David sorting through all his stuff in his duffel bags. His closet was to the point you could hardly close it. It's really hard to store all the gear the military requires you to keep. And the paperwork...we are still in search of David's "military file box." hmmm...
So I bid you adieu! Off to grocery shop...Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!


  1. lol, Tom's gear is a mess, and he has a huge locker for most of it at work... the rest gets thrown in the basement. I swear the longer he is in the military the more gear he just collects. Cute photos! Enjoy your shopping!

  2. Oh and PS... funny how we're used to different temps, it's been in the single digits so when I saw it was 36 today I thought it was a heat wave and took the kids to the park, lol.


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