Gymnastics Photos

being a little booger...see why I quit?

So today was the first day in about a week that we haven't had wet weather, and the temperature rose above 50°. So I grabbed the opportunity to do a garage photo shoot of Gwyneth in her gymnastics leotard! Boy! What a chore! She would not cooperate, wanted to play the computer instead of take pictures...kept dragging dirt and leaves onto the backdrop....Then the wind picked up and kept blowing leaves and such into the garage onto the backdrop. NO FUN! So after only a few shots I gave up! I will attempt it another day! Here's what I got anyway. I don't care for them much, but thought I would "save" a few just in case I never get around to re-shooting! Also Gwyneth had her first soccer practice tonight! She is on a team of six and she is one of two girls on the entire team. I was glad to see another girl show up. I will share a few snapshots of her practice later. Off to bed! Take care everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! It makes me feel somewhat better that she is not ALWAYS cooperative. I thought for a while you had the perfect child! :) She is too cute though! And I love the ribbon in her hair.


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