Weekend in Review

Our weekend was great! How was yours?

We had a few bumpy moments...well My Love and I. Discussion of his impending re-enlistment...or not...Lots of unknowns...not sure which path we will take. Praying the Lord gives us some clear direction...and soon. My Love's re-up date is in July! Ahhh! Only 5 months away! Needless to say things are a little stressful concerning that aspect of our lives. My Love has been in the military our entire marriage + a year! I can't imaging life on the outside, but am trying to have an open mind.

Saturday we picked up Pop-Pop and went out to lunch at Applebee's. My Girl didn't eat anything but french fries and Pop-Pop's garlic toast. Maybe we should have eaten at "The Grape Sign." (My Girl has called Olive Garden that since she could talk, and any time we ask her where she would like to eat out, this is her answer!) After lunch we went out to Grahamcracker's gravesite to place a new flower arrangement out there. It's a pretty combination of artificial red and white roses. She would have liked them. We plan to put flowers out seasonally. Next will probably be around Easter. Maybe lilies or some bulbs. Laura and her family met us out there. It was the first time her daughters had been to Grahamcraker's gravesite.
After that we headed out to drop Pop-Pop off, and stayed and watch t.v. until he went to church. We then came home for an hour or so and baked and decorated sugar cookies. I had bought the Pillsbury Valentine sugar cookie dough sheets that you can use your cookie cutters to make any shape you want. EASY PEASY! (My new favorite phrase...hey, when you have kids you can say ridiculous things!) We had fun and made all kinds of shapes, Christmas, Easter, Valentines...etc.

Pizza night has been moved from Friday to Saturday, for a trial basis. I personally like it on Fridays because it doesn't matter how late we stay at Pop-Pop's or how many games of "Golf" (card game) we play... we know we can sleep late on Saturday, but when we have Pizza Night on Saturday it makes it really difficult for us to get up and go to church the next morning. We almost didn't go this week... I guess it will just require much determination on our parts.
We had a Birthday celebration for My Girls's oldest cousin. She turned 14! We had some yummy Strawberry Surprise cake and watched her open her gifts.

Sunday, we did make it to church. After lunch My Love, My Girl and I re-arranged our living room. I like the way it is now. My Love complained that he can't see the t.v. as well now...but oh well. We don't watch much anyway...Although I have to say, him and I are pretty addicted to the season DVDs of Alias. I borrowed the first season from the library. I had only seen parts of a few episodes prior to now. It's always on when My Girl is still up, so I don't watch it. With the DVDs we can watch after she is in bed.

Later Sunday evening we went to out shopping and My Love bought My Girl and I fishing poles. We plan to go fishing real soon. Since none of us care to eat fish, we will probably catch and release fish...My Girl and him had a great time out back later practicing casting. It was so cute. I love to watch My Love and My Girl interact. He can come down to her level so much easier than I. I think God designed fathers for that reason...children's first playmates...

So that recaps our weekend. It's supposed to be nice and sunny this week with highs in the upper 70's ...so My Girl and I are off to wash my car...it's in desperate need of a bath!
"Toodle-loos"... (My Girl says that at the end of any phone conversation with family members.)


Here are the soccer pictures I promised. I need to practice this sports stuff. Sorry they're not much to look at. It still gets dark early around here so it was bad lighting. Black and white saved them. The other shot is one I took a few weeks ago when her and daddy were in the back yard practicing.

Gymnastics Photos

being a little booger...see why I quit?

So today was the first day in about a week that we haven't had wet weather, and the temperature rose above 50°. So I grabbed the opportunity to do a garage photo shoot of Gwyneth in her gymnastics leotard! Boy! What a chore! She would not cooperate, wanted to play the computer instead of take pictures...kept dragging dirt and leaves onto the backdrop....Then the wind picked up and kept blowing leaves and such into the garage onto the backdrop. NO FUN! So after only a few shots I gave up! I will attempt it another day! Here's what I got anyway. I don't care for them much, but thought I would "save" a few just in case I never get around to re-shooting! Also Gwyneth had her first soccer practice tonight! She is on a team of six and she is one of two girls on the entire team. I was glad to see another girl show up. I will share a few snapshots of her practice later. Off to bed! Take care everyone!

Random thoughts and Photos

It is currently 36° here. Burrr! Just Thursday the high was near 80°! We're all going to get sick, I just know it!
I should be writing out a grocery list...but again, I am procrastinating. The cold weather has me wanting to do nothing other more than sit with a warm beverage and watch movies all afternoon.
Goals for today:
Khrista: Grocery shop (maybe scrapbook!)
David: Work on his car to get it in shape to sell.
Gwyneth: Play, play, play
Might be a trip to Walmart in there somewhere since David has some money and it's burning a hole in his pocket!
Here are some photos I took the other night...and one of David sorting through all his stuff in his duffel bags. His closet was to the point you could hardly close it. It's really hard to store all the gear the military requires you to keep. And the paperwork...we are still in search of David's "military file box." hmmm...
So I bid you adieu! Off to grocery shop...Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

Prompted to share...

I confess I have not been doing my quiet time in the morning for the last three days. I have been finding other things to occupy my time...This morning I struggled for about 15 minutes thinking I wanted to do something else other than sit down and be quiet with God. Well, God won out! I read and spent some time praying, and I am so glad I did! It's ironic that the days I resist so much I receive the most relevant message to my life on the very day I decide to obey the Spirit's prompting.
I pray this blesses someone as much as it did me...

From My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

"Arise from the dead..." Ephesians 5:14
When God sends His inspiration, it comes to us with such miraculous power that we are able to “arise from the dead” and do the impossible. The remarkable thing about spiritual initiative is that the life and power comes after we “get up and get going.” God does not give us overcoming life-He gives us life as we overcome. When the inspiration of God comes, and He says, "Arise from the dead . . . ," we have to get ourselves up; God will not lift us up. Our Lord said to the man with the withered hand, "Stretch out your hand" (Matthew 12:13). As soon as the man did so, his hand was healed. But he had to take the initiative. If we will take the initiative to overcome, we will find that we have the inspiration of God, because He immediately gives us the power of life.

Then I continued to read the study in James and got more!

1Why do you fight and argue with each other? Isn't it because you are full of selfish desires that fight to control your body? 2You want something you don't have, and you will do anything to get it. You will even kill! But you still cannot get what you want, and you won't get it by fighting and arguing. You should pray for it. 3Yet even when you do pray, your prayers are not answered, because you pray just for selfish reasons.
4You people aren't faithful to God! Don't you know that if you love the world, you are God's enemies? And if you decide to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God. 5Do you doubt the Scriptures that say, "God truly cares about the Spirit he has put in us"? 6In fact, God treats us with even greater kindness, just as the Scriptures say, "God opposes everyone
who is proud,
but he is kind to everyone
who is humble."
7Surrender to God! Resist the devil, and he will run from you. 8Come near to God, and he will come near to you. Clean up your lives, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you people who can't make up your mind. 9Be sad and sorry and weep. Stop laughing and start crying. Be gloomy instead of glad. 10Be humble in the Lord's presence, and he will honor you.

I know what God was saying to me through this...I hope that He reveals something to you as well...
Have a wonderful day!

C is for Crazy Crayons

I've had this craft from MarthaStewart.com in my binder of things to do with Gwyneth for a LONG time! After seeing some friends make them lately, I thought I'd finally give it a go. We've been collecting broken crayons for a while so we made quite a few! Fun quick craft! We highly recommend it!
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Yesterday was a beautiful, cool, breezy day. We went to church, had lunch and then took Gwyneth and her three cousins to this really cool park Gwyneth and I had just learned about. Her and I went once, but couldn't wait to take Daddy, and the cousins were an added bonus! They had a blast, and since it was breezy, we took both our kites out too! It was really nice to get out in the fresh air, and spend time together. David was resistant to the park at first, but I could tell after a few minutes of being there that he was enjoying himself. He later told me he was glad we went. When we returned home we had Valentine cupcakes. Mmmm... I make them every year.
P.S. I was having issues posting pictures directly through Blogger, so I used Picasa...hence the multiple posts... oh, well... Posted by Picasa
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just a lone little leaf hanging on...perhaps waiting for a glimpse of Spring?
thought it was interesting that this one leaf was hanging on while new buds are already forming...

been very occupied lately with the ton of photos I took of Gwyneth on Wednesday. I shared three in the previous post, but that's just a little taste. I hope to load all of them into an album online for all of your viewing pleasure! I am starting to feel really comfortable in Photoshop, and have been trying new techniques. It's time consuming, but I am very excited by all that I am learning.

also...the iron bed was delivered on Tuesday! It's BEAUTIFUL! We got a mattress for it last night and Gwyneth slept in a bed three times the size of her previous one all by herself! We haven't gotten any new bedding for her, so it's a mish-mash of things we already had. This chenille blanket was Mom R.'s mother's. Fitting, since the bed was her father's. I love family heirlooms. The history and sentimental value behind them. The master crafstmean who refinished this bed said it probably dates back to the turn of the centruy. Late 1800's early 1900's.
Now if any of you want to visit, there is a big guest bed! No more air mattress!

Fairy Princess

It was a beautiful day here yesterday and I had the itch to photograph something. So Gwyneth got all dressed up and indulged me for a while. These are a couple shots I really loved! I'll share more later!

Reading this Morning

I am currently on the first lesson of a new Bible study book. Life Lessons with Max Lucado. The book of James. Today's reading was particularly poignant for me. I had a really bad attitude yesterday over some things going on lately and this really hit me hard...

"When a potter bakes a pot, he checks its solidity by pulling it our of the oven and thumping it. If it "sings," it's ready. If it "thuds," then it's placed back in the oven. The character of a person is also checked by thumping.
Been thumped lately?
Late-night phone calls. Grouchy teacher. Grumpy moms. Burnt meals. Flat tires. "You've got to be kidding" deadlines. Those are thumps. Thumps are those irritating inconveniences that trigger the worst in us. They catch us off guard. Flat footed. They aren't big enough to be crises, but if you get enough of them, watch out! Traffic jams. Long lines. Empty mailboxes. Dirty clothes on the floor...Thump. Thump. Thump. How do I respond? Do I sing? Or do I thud? Jesus said that out of the nature of the heart a man speaks (Luke 6:45). There's nothing like a good thump to reveal the nature of the heart. The true character of a person is seen not in momentary heroics, but in the thump-packed humdrum of day-to-day living.

(from On the Anvil by Max Lucado, Inspirational Study Bible)

The prayer at the end:
"Father, we come to you just as we are struggling to cope with the trials of life. We're grateful that you never turn your back on us. You promise to give us the wisdom and strength we need to face each day. Continue to test us until our character shines and brings glory to you."
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