Meet Our Newest Member

Meet our BABY GIRL!!! 7 lbs. 11 oz.19 1/2 inches longBorn at home in water5 hours labor (1 hour active)


A feminine form of Samuel meaning: name of God, listener, and contains the
Greek -antha which means "flower".

meaning: Famous warrior :: Renowned fighter

We will most likely call her any variant of Sam such as: Sam, Sammy, Sami, Sammi, Sammie
Big Brother has already taken to calling her Sammy. :)

7 lbs. 11 oz.
19 1/2 inches long
Born at home in water
10:46 PM
5 hours labor (1 hour active)


  1. AAAwww. She's beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Nana has great timing too! She will get to spend all of her time with your WHOLE family. <3 Love to you all!

  2. Congratulations! She is beautiful!

    I guess your laborade didn't get a chance to get old. :)

  3. Sounds like a beautiful birth. 5 hours of labor - cannot beat that!! I was 5-6 hours with Haven. I remember that you really wanted a girl but David really wanted a boy when you had F. You got another girl after all. :) She'll be just as beautiful as her sister.

  4. She is absolutely beautiful!!! Wouldn't expect anything less from you guys though! I am so glad to hear labor was smooth and short. Can't wait to meet her!! Love you and good job mama you are a strong woman :)

  5. She is SO beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! HUGE congrats to your whole family!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


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