help me decide?

{ blog } glasses

After THREE home try-on periods, AND a pair I thought were perfect, that ended up being too heavy and gave me a headache, I have narrowed my search for a new pair of glasses down to two Warby Parker frames. Will you help me decide which are best suited for me? I think I have pretty much decided for myself, but am willing to be swayed. ;) Thanks!

{ blog } IMG_5132(E)
Here are my old glasses with scratches so plentiful I wipe them all day long wishing to see clearer, and the arm of one side broken by Baby Boy. Please excuse the "mad" expression. Not a good self-portrait day. ;)
Despite my complaints, these Oakley frames are like a good pair of worn in shoes. So comfy.
But after 3 years and all the above mentioned, I think it's time they retire. :)


  1. I'm not sure if it is the lighting or the actual glasses, but the "japhy" glasses seem to lend a greyish-yellow tint to your skin in these photos. I vote for the "fitz" glasses, if it is the rims and not just the lighting.

  2. I like the fitz. I think they look great with your hair color and skin tone. The others are cute too though. :)


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