in my basket

Currently in my knitting basket:
Shalom Cardigan, (on my Ravelry page) nearly complete besides needing ends woven in, vintage buttons sewn on, and blocking.
I always procrastinate when it comes to these steps. ;)
I started this cardigan back in J A N U A R Y ! During our cold months.
Then the heat came and it was put into hibernation.
I would take it with me on any car ride that was longer than 30 minutes and still never managed to make much progress on it. The yoke was fun to knit, but when I got to the body I got a little bored, and intimidated by the amount of stitches! (over 100)

Also in my basket is a sweet gift I can't reveal yet. ;)


  1. This site is so peaceful!! I'm so envious of your project. I've only knitted scarves, am a bit nervous about branching out but you have inspired me :)

  2. Thanks Heather!
    Although infrequently updated, I love to blog the little and big things in our life...
    Knitting is a treasured hobby of mine. I've only been knitting for 4 years. I have knit many a scarf and dishcloth! ;)
    I encourage you to branch out! It's so fun! :) If you aren't already on there, look up and join! It's a great resource! (My username is Kale80 if you do join!)
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    I've only had a few minutes here and there to peruse your own blog. From what I have read it has been very encouraging, and convicting (31 Days of Love-making)
    Have a great day!

  3. Your cardi looks gorgeous. I love grey...something about it is so soothing.


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