in my basket

Currently in my knitting basket:
Shalom Cardigan, (on my Ravelry page) nearly complete besides needing ends woven in, vintage buttons sewn on, and blocking.
I always procrastinate when it comes to these steps. ;)
I started this cardigan back in J A N U A R Y ! During our cold months.
Then the heat came and it was put into hibernation.
I would take it with me on any car ride that was longer than 30 minutes and still never managed to make much progress on it. The yoke was fun to knit, but when I got to the body I got a little bored, and intimidated by the amount of stitches! (over 100)

Also in my basket is a sweet gift I can't reveal yet. ;)

// SX-70 // Pencils

Another shot I like from my Polaroid SX-70.
Sure wish I could get my hands on some actual Polaroid 600 film...

tea time

tea time, a photo by Kale80 on Flickr.

happy list // 09.26.2011

Whoa! It's been nearly a month since I last posted a Happy List! Time to remedy that! :)
1. My Loves...all together! 2. beloved morning glories...nearly all that has survived this awful drought 3. a renewed love for Lincoln Logs (we put them away for a few months and now it's like Christmas to him!) 4. My Girl...the budding artist 5. family craftiness (will share more in an upcoming Creative Projects post) 6. new Aloe Vera plant. LOVE the look of this amazing plant! 7. Fall Garden planted! Pictured is two varieties of Kale and Broccoli 8. even though it breaks my heart when My Lovies are sick, I am happy for the snuggles and halt in the business of life. I am thankful that I am able to stay home with my children, to give them comfort and rest when most needed.

::13 Years::

Thirteen years ago I was a child bride marrying my soul mate...
By today's statistics we shouldn't have made it this far...
God has blessed us...
We've grown up together...
I couldn't imagine life without him...

Simple Split Pea & Brown Rice Soup

I've revised this recipe a bit to omit the oil. It is just as delicious, but lower in fat!
Simple Split Pea & Brown Rice Soup
1 small onion
2 carrots
2 cloves garlic
Water; approximately 3-4 tablespoons
Salt & Pepper
2 cups vegetable broth (Rapunzel Brand No Salt)
3 cups water
1/2 cup long grain brown rice
1/2 cup green split peas
Splash of low-sodium soy sauce
Dash of ground Cumin

Sauté onion in water until translucent. Add carrots. Cook for a few minutes then add garlic, cook for 1 minute more. Add salt & pepper to taste.
Add broth and water. Turn heat to high and bring to a boil. Add rice, split peas, soy sauce and cumin. Reduce heat and simmer until rice is softened and peas begin to disintegrate.
Adjust seasoning with additional salt & pepper if needed.
Makes 6 servings

Printable (PDF) recipe can be found HERE

Off The Grid

I’ve had a love-hate relationship with Facebook for some time now.
I love that with just a couple clicks I can see what my “friends” are up to…
I hate that I have gotten lazy in relationships, and have no real idea what is going on in my “friends” lives…
Therefore, I’ve decided to take an indefinite break from Facebook.
Meaning it may be a day, or forever!
I’ll take it a day at a time.
I am hoping this time away gives me a chance to weigh the pros and cons of having this space to “socialize.”
By not logging into Facebook for a while I hope to be able to…
  • Call my “friends” and actually TALK… catch up with them!
  • Spend more time with my husband 
  • Play with my kids 
  • Write a couple old-school letters, I love snail mail (or “Happy Mail”)…
  • Keep my house clean… (It’s always clean enough, but I hope to kick it up a notch with a healthy sprinkling of organization thrown in there too!)
  • Blog more
  • Sew more 
  • Knit more 
  • Read my Bible more 
  • Pray more 
Now, I know eliminating Facebook may not enable me to do all those things I just listed, but I can hope!

Before you despair... ha! ha! :)
I’m not falling off the grid completely!
I will still be posting here in this space, and here are some other ways to keep in touch or just “see pretty pictures!”
Email Me
Phone: Email me if you’d like my number ;)
Instagram: kale80
If you don’t have an iPhone and want to see the pictures I post on Instagram: live simply
Oh, and I will keep my blog connected to Facebook so you are notified of new posts, but you'll have to email me or comment on the blog to let me know you came by! ;) 
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