happy list // 06.27.2011

1. my kiddos...they're the best! 2. "new" car play mat scored at a yard sale up the road! 3. "new" train table scored at the same yard sale! ;) 4. a "finished" (might be painted later on) father-daughter project 5. an organized craft space 6. refreshing cucumber, mint, ginger water! I'm an addict! 7. patio tables from the side of the road...(and the loving hubby who knocked on the door for me to make sure it was o.k. to take them!) I can imagine them sanded and painted in colors of the Caribbean! 8. new shoes...and Baby Boy's tiny toes! :)

What blessings are you thankful for today? 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love roadside treasures! That craft space is so inviting. Love it.


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