the hat

We were recently at Old Navy, just browsing, and found this adorable fedora for Baby Boy. I snapped a photo with my phone and posted it on Facebook, but put it back as it was kind of pricey!
Well, Nana saw the picture and heard we had put it back. She demanded we return and buy it for him. She would send some money ASAP.
She said it was too adorable to pass up...I have to agree!
Thank you NANA! :)

*my latest addiction*

cucumber, mint & ginger infused water
What you will need:
  • 1 spring of fresh mint (washed)
  • 8 slices English cucumber (wash well if not organic)
  • 4 thin slices fresh ginger
  • 32 oz. fresh filtered water
I prefer to prepare this water in a 32 oz. mason jar.
Add all ingredients, and cap tightly with lid. Give it a good shake and refrigerate for one hour.
(If you intend to consume immediately, add a few ice cubes before shaking and enjoy!)

happy list // 06.27.2011

1. my kiddos...they're the best! 2. "new" car play mat scored at a yard sale up the road! 3. "new" train table scored at the same yard sale! ;) 4. a "finished" (might be painted later on) father-daughter project 5. an organized craft space 6. refreshing cucumber, mint, ginger water! I'm an addict! 7. patio tables from the side of the road...(and the loving hubby who knocked on the door for me to make sure it was o.k. to take them!) I can imagine them sanded and painted in colors of the Caribbean! 8. new shoes...and Baby Boy's tiny toes! :)

What blessings are you thankful for today? 

// Flashback Friday // 2010 Vacation - Day 4 - The Last Day

A family photo before we checked out of the beach house.
Just the babes...My Girl is looking very sun-kissed here..
Before we headed home, we toured the town... I loved the colorfulness of the surroundings! Very touristy though. ;)
We stopped and "fed" the sharks... :)

Surfed a bit...

On our way out of town I asked My Love to pull over near this jetty, so I could get a picture of this boat.

And then I asked nicely if I could snap a few of My Girl. She graciously obliged.

Good To The Last Drop

Baby Boy has taken to indulging in the last drops of my latte every morning (mostly foam.) He climbs into my lap and dips his fingers in. It's quite cute! :)

Father's Day 2011

Last week while planning our menu, I made plans to make a Dr Pepper cake for My Love for Father's Day.
I guess My Girl took it as the theme because she went all out with the decorations and little creative  touches. (can you spot the Dr Pepper confetti?  :)

Father's Day 2011

After a slow morning at home eating pancakes (I made BACON, and put a little in My Loves pancake batter.) and gardening we spent the afternoon and evening with dear friends and had yummy mexican food for dinner.
The last two images show My Love's "loot." My Girl was really creative with her, not so much. But I got him something he wanted. ;)

sour patch kids

This sequence of photos crack me up...He LOVED the sour patch kids despite the facial expressions he is displaying in these photos! :)

happy list // 06.14.2011

1. The way Baby Boy says "Love You" when someone is going away or he is going to bed. (It sounds like THIS)  2. the backyard sandbox provides great entertainment, until Baby Boy decides he needs a snack and puts a BIG shovel full of sand in his mouth. Even then it's pretty humorous to see the sand "beard" he has acquired! ;) 3. my little garden helper 4. morning snuggles with these two beautiful souls 5. braiding My Girl's beautiful hair...she has started to have a preference on how to wear her hair these days, and most of the time her choice is a ponytail. I think their cute, but love it when she lets me braid it, or she wears it down in flowing golden curls... 6. My Love...he's a good sport...puts up with "one more shot babe, your eyes were closed" or "that one was out of focus!" ;) 7. My Love swinging Baby Boy in the 102 degree heat, while I make dinner amongst the A/C...see I told you he was a good sport! :) 8. a FULL refrigerator and pantry!

ten on ten - June 2011

This month it was the little things...

A little playtime...

A little blogging...

A little sustenance...

A little planning...

A little chaos...

A little more playtime...

A little more sustenance...

A little one-on-one time...

A little entertainment... (The Karate Kid)

A little relaxation...

ten on ten is a fun monthly photo project and can be found at A Bit of Sunshine
ten on ten button

// Flashback Friday // 2010 Vacation - Day 3

As we are currently planning our 2011 Vacation, I thought it would be a good idea to finish posting our 2010 Vacation pictures. I have two more days to post.
Day 3 was by far my favorite day and resulted in a lot of pictures!
We spent the day at Mustang Island State Park. 
Mmm...gelato from a nearby coffee shop. Snickerdoodle for him, Amaretto for me. ;)
We drove out to Corpus Christi to have dinner and visit with some old friends. I babysat these two "kids" when I was about 15! 
They are SO grown now! It was so fun to hang out and catch up with them!
Baby Boy took to them right away! :)
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