ten on ten - May 2011

ten on ten is a fun project I did back in March and can be found at A Bit of Sunshine.
I set my phone to remind me of this project every month.
The challenge is to capture ten photos, on the 10th of the month to capture the beauty in the everyday.
I was only able to get 8 in on this busy day. We spent half our day commuting in the car. :(
Anyhow, here was our day...

8 am in early for My Girl... ;)
Baby Boy looking sleepy already...
A naughty snack...I shared mine with Baby Boy.
Tending the garden...he loves to help water the plants!
Lunch time! 
Them: Annie's Mac & Cheese with grapes & clementines. Me: Leftover Chili with Greek yogurt and cilantro fresh from the garden.
Mama drives alone to a Dr. appt. while the littles are being taken care of by a dear sweet friend. 
This audiobook has opened a whole realm for this Mama, and I took this book along to the Dr. office. (Francine Rivers is my favorite Christian fiction author!) 
I also brought along a copy of Texas Gardener but didn't get to read it.
The busy-ness of dinner...Late tonight! My hubby does more than his fair share of dishes around here, and I LOVE him for it! :)
Tiring out the babes...

I fell asleep while putting Baby Boy to bed, hence only 8 photos. ;) 


  1. what a fun idea! :) love the little glimpse into your day!

  2. Oh, I like this set of ten!

    Your lunch sounds yum.

  3. Jaclyn noticed the "sticker" on your water bottle ;)
    Jen Mitchell


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