happy list // 05.31.2011

1.homemade playdough (recipe HERE) that enables quiet moments for this Mama to get a few things done. 2.our first harvest from the garden!  
3.playing among the sheets as Mama makes the beds. 4.watching these two interact...it's nice when it's a positive exchange. ;) 5.this typographical sign I spotted in a cute shop in a cute town this weekend. (The "of" in the saying is hidden behind the flowers. ;) 6.another cute find in a cute shop! I would love one of each of these! VW Beatle, VW Bus, AND a camper!? Yes, please! They even have scripture verses on them, I might have to go back and get them! ;) 7.flowers from My Love...twice in one week! WOW! :) 8.reading together as a family before bed..

a face a mother could love

I spent some time recently getting re-acquainted with my 50mm 1.4 lens and experimenting with Picture Style settings.
(read: trying to minimize time in Photoshop ;)
I was pleased with these images captured in Monochrome (with a few tweaks, they're a bit on the dark side. Will tweak some more. ;)
Even though I am a little biased I think he is the cutest little boy around! ;)
p.s. chasing a toddler around is TOUGH! Especially when using an aperture of 2.0! whew!

Canon 5D│50mm f/1.4 @ 2.0 
SOOC, just re-sized & sharpened for web

filling in...

This sweet spot receives many kisses in a day ... :)

// Flashback Friday // Forever Unconditionally

Baby Boy - November 2009 - 1 MONTH OLD

ten on ten - May 2011

ten on ten is a fun project I did back in March and can be found at A Bit of Sunshine.
I set my phone to remind me of this project every month.
The challenge is to capture ten photos, on the 10th of the month to capture the beauty in the everyday.
I was only able to get 8 in on this busy day. We spent half our day commuting in the car. :(
Anyhow, here was our day...

8 am in early for My Girl... ;)
Baby Boy looking sleepy already...
A naughty snack...I shared mine with Baby Boy.
Tending the garden...he loves to help water the plants!
Lunch time! 
Them: Annie's Mac & Cheese with grapes & clementines. Me: Leftover Chili with Greek yogurt and cilantro fresh from the garden.
Mama drives alone to a Dr. appt. while the littles are being taken care of by a dear sweet friend. 
This audiobook has opened a whole realm for this Mama, and I took this book along to the Dr. office. (Francine Rivers is my favorite Christian fiction author!) 
I also brought along a copy of Texas Gardener but didn't get to read it.
The busy-ness of dinner...Late tonight! My hubby does more than his fair share of dishes around here, and I LOVE him for it! :)
Tiring out the babes...

I fell asleep while putting Baby Boy to bed, hence only 8 photos. ;) 

Mother's Day 2011

I was awakened from a deep sleep by My Girl... She smiled brightly, and declared that breakfast was ready! In fact it was "right here!"
She proudly presented a tray with heart-shaped pancakes, butter, syrup and a copy of the "Mom's Gazette."
She had made the pancakes all by herself with only minimal help from Daddy when the batter was not exactly pour-able. ;)
What a wonderful way to wake up.
Something I've been waiting 10 years for! :)

I enjoyed sipping my coffee on the patio in my hammock chair, with my loves in view. I also received a very lovely Lisa Leonard Designs necklace from my wonderful hubby! I've been wanting one of her pieces for a long time!

A God of Scandalous Grace

With the recent news, I just can't shake this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't ignore this prompting to share a little bit of what I feel and believe to be true.
However I am not very good at articulating my feelings and beliefs on "paper," (working on that) so here are some excerpts from some of my favorite books that pretty much sum up what I am thinking and feeling today...

"..I believe in a God of scandalous grace. If I believed terrorists were beyond redemption, I would need to rip out half of my New Testament Scriptures, for they were written by a converted terrorist.
I have pledged allegiance to a King who loved evildoers so much he died for them...teaching us that there is something worth dying for but nothing worth killing for. While terrorists were nailing him to the cross, my Jesus pleaded that they be shown mercy, for they knew not what they were doing. We are all wretched, and we are all beautiful. No one is beyond redemption. May we see in the hands of the oppressors our own hands, and in the faces of the oppressed our own faces. We are made of the same dust, and we cry the same salty tears." -Shane Claiborne, The Irresistible Revolution , Zondervan 2006
"Patriotism is far too myopic. A love for our own relatives and a love for the people of our own country are not bad things, but our love does not stop at the border. We now have a family that is much broader than biology, that runs much deeper than nationalism....The reality of our rebirth should mess with us..."-Shane Claiborne, The Irresistible Revolution, Zondervan 2006
I mourn the death of every soldier, & service member, the family members of the victims of the terrorist attacks, the Iraqi victims, and anyone else directly touched by the violence of our days...
but my "grief is not a cry for war." (Families for Peaceful Tomorrows)

I have had this Scripture and quote on my refrigerator as a magnet for years, and today I think it is especially poignant...
With what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you —Matthew 7:2

"The reason we see hypocrisy, deceit, and a lack of genuineness in others is that they are all in our own hearts. The greatest characteristic of a saint is humility, as evidenced by being able to say honestly and humbly, “Yes, all those, as well as other evils, would have been exhibited in me if it were not for the grace of God. Therefore, I have no right to judge.” -Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest
I know I may catch some "heat" from some of you who read this because it is contrary to popular opinion, but I hope it also stirs something positive in you...
Namaste - may others see God in you and your actions and "honor the Holy One who lives in you."
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