happy list // 01.03.2011

1. this man has my heart...I love his strong yet gentle hands...it was one of the first of his features I noticed and fell in love with over 15 years ago... 2. My Girl was cold one morning and put on 10 pairs of socks! She makes me laugh every day!  3. homemade pizza!!! (we've been ordering in way too often!)   4. The sun was shining so beautifully in this window one day. I LOVE this star votive holder my sweet friend Jenn gave to me, and my little birdies from India. 5. CLASSIC video games! My Girl was impressed at how well MOMMY was playing! She has no idea how much I played this game when I was her age! ha! ha! 6. new fingerless mitts, knit just for me! (I'm a selfish knitter! ;)  7. my two manly men, using power tools and getting sawdust in their hair, building stuff!  8. the resulting masterpiece from aforementioned building session! :) LOVE this!

Here's to a new year full of promise! Excited for the coming months ahead!
Getting back into the swing of things home-wise with a major purging session yesterday and I even dusted off my beloved cookbooks and planned this week's menu!


  1. I recognize that pizza !! How did the dough work ?

    AND ... oh my goodness !! That masterpiece is INCREDIBLE !! I love it !!!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS you're homemade pizza looks so good!!!!!!!!!! If I could make pizza like that I think we'd quit ordering in! :-)


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