We've all been feeling a bit yucky due to allergies lately, but this morning My *sweet* Girl, upon knowing BB and I had a rough night of sleep, took care of her brother so I could stay in bed an extra 10 mins. This is the scene I walked in on when I finally emerged from my room!
I love her so!

//Flashback Friday// - Autumn 2009

My love and I, just before Baby Boy's arrival...waiting for the train.
Pioneer Park (or better known to the locals as Alaskaland)
Fairbanks, Alaska
September 2009

golden light

I've been a bit quiet around here for a couple reasons...
one being that I have a ONE YEAR OLD who never lets me sit for more than 2 minutes! ha!
and two my computer got "sick" and had to go to the shop.
It's back home now with most of my data intact, but I am having to re-load a lot of software.
Photoshop was the first thing I re-installed! :)

I'm just going to jump right in then...
In the late afternoon at my house, my kitchen comes alive with golden light...it catches me everytime and beckons me to linger a little longer in it...I hardly ever mind washing up the dishes when the light is so beautiful...
There is something very therapeutic in hand washing your dishes...especially when they are some of your favorite items in your home. I have purged all of my coffee mugs so that I have only kept my very favorite ones...they each conjure up a different feeling, and I am never sad with one in hand. :)
Admittedly, between the automatic dishwasher, and my wonderful husband, I don't wash many dishes... I am blessed.
If it were a choice between washing dishes or doing laundry I would pick the laundry ANY day! Must be because I had to wash a LOT of dishes growing up, because my sister ALWAYS seemed to need to use the bathroom around dishes time in our house! ha! ;) *love you Rach!*  
Spending a little time in that golden light of the afternoon is even more pleasant with cute "help" around! 

Add to that, Pandora radio with Shane & Shane filling the air with praise to God, and you have yourself a perfectly pleasant "golden" afternoon!

what's cookin' at our place

Here's our plan for this week:
Click our menu to go to The Beans Blog and see more menus and many delicious recipes! :)

//Flashback Friday// - Autumn 2006

It was a delightful autumn day in 2006.
One that will remain forever in my mind thanks to these images.
I straightened her angelic curly hair, just to see what it would look like.
Normally not one for much fuss, she enjoyed all the pampering.
I asked if I could take pictures of her and she obliged.
She was only 5.
You can still see the toddler chub lingering on her plump cheeks.
I want to go back in time and kiss them a bit more.
I will satisfy that urge by clutching her a little tighter today, and kissing her 9 year old cheeks while I still have the chance.


My Girl got braces put on today! Wow! I was about her age when I got my braces on for the first time too!
Somehow she seems even more grown up now! boo! hoo!
I keep telling her over and over how beautiful and cute she looks with them on!
She got "jewelry for her teeth!"
You can't really tell in these pictures but the hardware has improved greatly since her Dad and I had braces! They no longer use bands on the back molars and the brackets are made so they have a little door to hold the wire in place instead of rubber bands. Her brackets have little speckles of color in them too! So cool!
She'll have them on for about a year for the 1st phase, and then have them on again once all her permanent teeth come in.
Isn't she the cutest?!

happy list // 01.03.2011

1. this man has my heart...I love his strong yet gentle hands...it was one of the first of his features I noticed and fell in love with over 15 years ago... 2. My Girl was cold one morning and put on 10 pairs of socks! She makes me laugh every day!  3. homemade pizza!!! (we've been ordering in way too often!)   4. The sun was shining so beautifully in this window one day. I LOVE this star votive holder my sweet friend Jenn gave to me, and my little birdies from India. 5. CLASSIC video games! My Girl was impressed at how well MOMMY was playing! She has no idea how much I played this game when I was her age! ha! ha! 6. new fingerless mitts, knit just for me! (I'm a selfish knitter! ;)  7. my two manly men, using power tools and getting sawdust in their hair, building stuff!  8. the resulting masterpiece from aforementioned building session! :) LOVE this!

Here's to a new year full of promise! Excited for the coming months ahead!
Getting back into the swing of things home-wise with a major purging session yesterday and I even dusted off my beloved cookbooks and planned this week's menu!
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