monday funny

It's all I have time for today, or rather what baby boy will allow...he's being quite clingy today! I'm going to go and enjoy it, before it passes. :)
A mass email went out today with our new contact info. If you don't receive it, let me know and I'll send it your way...I may have an incorrect address for you, so be sure to include that as well!
Have a great day! :)


  1. SO CUTE!! LOL .. but, Im not so sure pink is his color. Though, is does bring out the blue in his eyes

  2. This is so cutE and makes me laugh uncontrollably!

  3. Who is the anonymous poster? Good to hear from you all! :)

  4. Hilarious! Glad to see you're back to blogging!

  5. It is me! I forgot to post my name.

  6. I love it!! And the clothesline outside is amazing!! It makes me long for warm summer days that are coming. Do you get spiders or other bugs on your laundry when you hang dry it? I am a huge coward when it comes to bug on my linens and I think they can sense it. Whenever I hang laundry outside the bugs swarm to it. :D I still love it though. The freshness is incomparable!! I will live vicariously through your clothesline until I can do my own. teehee!

  7. He is SO SO cute!!! He looks a LOT like G! :-) Very sweet photo!


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