life learning

We are adopting a sort of new approach to learning around here...
When G. asks us questions about certain things, we don't just give her the answers, we encourage "looking it up." We are taking note of the things that interest her and giving her as much information as she wants about that specific subject. Learning alongside her...
Today for instance: She asked me what the smartest animal was. Her guesses were the elephant and the monkey.
We "looked it up" together. Outside in the sunshine on my handy new iPhone!
And you know what? Elephant and Monkey were both on there! Smart girl!
Here's a link to the info we found:  Top 10 Smartest Animals.
While reading the top 10, we came across some pretty big words:
which we "looked up."
We also did a couple math problem using our sugar snap peas! The one pictured above was the addition equation of 3+3=6 and the multiplication equation of 3X2=6. FUN!

monday funny

It's all I have time for today, or rather what baby boy will allow...he's being quite clingy today! I'm going to go and enjoy it, before it passes. :)
A mass email went out today with our new contact info. If you don't receive it, let me know and I'll send it your way...I may have an incorrect address for you, so be sure to include that as well!
Have a great day! :)


This makes me ridiculously happy... :)
A clothesline in my own backyard, and sunny days to hang my clothes out!

grey monday

It's rainy and grey outside, but bright and colorful inside...
Made this soup for dinner...

I was brave and started a fire...with David on the phone walking me through it... ;)

We lazed about on the floor in front of the fire eating cookies, sipping coffee (only Mama of course) knitting, weaving a pot holder and coloring. Baby boy spent his time chattering to us and rolling over like a big boy!

There may be dishes in the sink and floors to be swept, but I will go to sleep tonight with a full heart, and happy memories...
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