recycled scrap paper notepads

David has complained more than once that we do not have notepads readily available to jot things down quickly...
Well I ran in to that very problem today! Right then and there, I resolved to whip up a few recycled scrap paper notepads. I had a ton of paper from things I had printed out that just weren't right. I couldn't bare to trash it all so I started keeping a folder marked "scrap paper." I took this paper and cut it into 3"x5" pieces and used some of my scrap pieces of patterned paper, some glue, a couple staples and viola! Little notepads! Only the front of each piece of paper is usable as the other side is printed paper.
G. saw me making them and wanted to join the fun as well and whipped out these (pictured last) 6 adorable notepads made from tiny notepads she already had, her own scrap paper, and tear-outs from magazines. Clever girl...
I was able to whip these up quick enough to jot down that thing I wanted to remember! ha!


  1. Great idea. Those look awesome and very creative. It looks like you should have enough notepads for a little while.

  2. oh my goodness khrista ... you and your creativity never cease to amaze me !! these are so cute. i think i might need to try and make some as well !! i have a scrap paper folder as well !!!


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