a mess...

From this week's pregnancy newsletter - Week 26 :
"Pregnancy has a way of amplifying feelings. You may feel exceedingly happy many days ... and then feel overwhelmingly tired and stressed on others."
Just ask my lovies...
I am a mess these days! So irritable one day, and just giddy the next! Last night I had a mini breakdown over something not so big, but hurtful just the same. No details because it has all resolved itself. It felt good to have a good cry! A relief somehow.
I have been busy though...Here is a peek at a few knitting projects...

A market bag for my friend's birthday.

A wool soaker to go over baby boy's cloth diapers. Isn't it the cutest!? It's my first, and full of mistakes...but I like it just the same and can't wait to knit a dozen more! :)
I hope to post again soon...I have a few photos to share and would like to share the fruits of my "mini nesting" session from yesterday. ;)

good morning...

This morning I had the amazing privilege of snuggling with this little girl. We lazed about talking about the baby coming in 3 months time...how cozy and warm the bed was. It's rainy and cold here this week. Perfect weather for snuggling. She is excited to meet her baby brother.
Baby brother was participating in the snuggling just as a brother would...by wiggling around a LOT! G. got to feel him for the first time. She was so amazed, and kept saying "aw..."
When we finally got out of bed, we discovered we had laid there for 30 minutes, just talking about the baby...She said to me "That was a good chat!"
So sweet...I love this girl to death, and just know she is going to be the BEST big sister!
Our lazy morning continued with homemade waffles, and hot chocolate for her, and coffee for me...What a great start to the day!
P.S. She really does wear a sleep mask to bed...every night! Living in the land of the midnight sun!

24 Weeks

These were a week late in being taken, but oh, well. They turned out to be some of my favorite photos so far! I set everything up for David and just asked him to watch the exposure and click the shutter. There were focusing issues so some are a little "soft" but I actually think that renders and really calm, peaceful look that I love. I couldn't decide between color or black & white for these...I loved them both ways!
Funny fact...these were all taken around 8:30PM at ISO 400. I love Alaska in the summertime!

P.S. There is a new link titled "Wishlist for Baby" at the bottom of the blog. I made it mostly for myself to keep up with items I would love to have for this little one, but thought it might be helpful to some of you who have been asking what we want/need for baby! Check it out!


You HAVE to visit The Beans Blog and try this for yourself! Absolutely amazing! YUM-MY!

Reading Today...

While reading this morning, this really struck me...it is relevant to all, maybe some in particular, more now, than ever...

Keep Recognizing Jesus

. . . Peter . . . walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid . . . —Matthew 14:29-30

The wind really was boisterous and the waves really were high, but Peter didn’t see them at first. He didn’t consider them at all; he simply recognized his Lord, stepped out in recognition of Him, and "walked on the water." Then he began to take those things around him into account, and instantly, down he went. Why couldn’t our Lord have enabled him to walk at the bottom of the waves, as well as on top of them? He could have, yet neither could be done without Peter’s continuing recognition of the Lord Jesus.

We step right out with recognition of God in some things, then self-consideration enters our lives and down we go. If you are truly recognizing your Lord, you have no business being concerned about how and where He engineers your circumstances. The things surrounding you are real, but when you look at them you are immediately overwhelmed, and even unable to recognize Jesus. Then comes His rebuke, ". . . why did you doubt?" ( Matthew 14:31 ). Let your actual circumstances be what they may, but keep recognizing Jesus, maintaining complete reliance upon Him.

If you debate for even one second when God has spoken, it is all over for you. Never start to say, "Well, I wonder if He really did speak to me?" Be reckless immediately— totally unrestrained and willing to risk everything— by casting your all upon Him. You do not know when His voice will come to you, but whenever the realization of God comes, even in the faintest way imaginable, be determined to recklessly abandon yourself, surrendering everything to Him. It is only through abandonment of yourself and your circumstances that you will recognize Him. You will only recognize His voice more clearly through recklessness— being willing to risk your all.

-My Utmost For His Highest, Oswald Chambers...emphasis added

camping sneak peek...

I have all the camping photos edited...just haven't had time to post them to the blog. Thought I would take a minute and quickly post a couple of random shots tonight though.
I hope to get more up tomorrow!

recycled scrap paper notepads

David has complained more than once that we do not have notepads readily available to jot things down quickly...
Well I ran in to that very problem today! Right then and there, I resolved to whip up a few recycled scrap paper notepads. I had a ton of paper from things I had printed out that just weren't right. I couldn't bare to trash it all so I started keeping a folder marked "scrap paper." I took this paper and cut it into 3"x5" pieces and used some of my scrap pieces of patterned paper, some glue, a couple staples and viola! Little notepads! Only the front of each piece of paper is usable as the other side is printed paper.
G. saw me making them and wanted to join the fun as well and whipped out these (pictured last) 6 adorable notepads made from tiny notepads she already had, her own scrap paper, and tear-outs from magazines. Clever girl...
I was able to whip these up quick enough to jot down that thing I wanted to remember! ha!

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