
I am foregoing the usual Flashback Friday post today to appease my sister Rachel, who has been waiting for a tour of our home! :)
Since we live so far away from family this post is mostly for them. I wish we could fly them all out here for a tour in person, but until we all win the lottery (j/k) this will have to do...
We are currently renting a cozy small home...I am just now becoming comfortable with it, and really love certain areas of our home. I have just recently been sprucing up certain things... i.e. our ten year old couch, and our piano and bench.
It is always a challenge when you are renting to decorate...You can't paint, and should probably minimize the amount of holes you put in the walls... I long for the day we own our own home, and we can do whatever! And I am MOST CERTAINLY hiring my lovely sister Rachel to decorate! Check out her home *HERE* and *HERE* She is truly amazing and has such a talent and eye for decorating!

My kitchen.
I am always drawn to bright cheery colors!

Our living room.
This photo was taken before I got to sewing the throw pillows on the couch.

Here are the throw pillows finished...Eventually the bigger back pillows will get a facelift too!

The views from the couch, that I am sitting on more often these days to knit...
*not to self*...close half bathroom door when giving home tour...ha! :)

Our dining/school/music/craft area.

The bar is a great place to put all of Gwyneth's school books and supplies. Nice and long. I hate the back of the cabinets though...The cabinet below houses yet more school books.

This is a little area I created beside the piano to hold craft items. Gwyneth's Boredom Basket is on top, crayons and coloring books on the bottom, and in the window to the right are stacks of magazines she is allowed to go through and cut pictures out of...some are mine, waiting for me to make time to clip things out of.

On to the upstairs...

The spare room.
This is basically my room. :) My computer is up here, with all my crafty stuff too...
Admittedly it is a room I spend a lot of time in, but regretfully can never keep tidy! So here it is as-is:

Occasionally I will allow Gwyneth to occupy a good chunk of the floor space with Legos that her Daddy has passed onto her. They are usually stored in the garage. They were recently up here for about a month, and have since gone back into storage.

The master bedroom.
I eventually want to get matching nightstands, and get David a more sophisticated alarm clock. :) I also have vinyl lettering to go on one of the main walls in here too. The letters say: "LOVE A simple smile, and tender touch."

Gwyneth's room.
She makes her own bed, and cleans her room every few days or so...this is how it looked this morning after she had done her daily tidying up:


  1. The house looks great. I am not a very creative person and most of the decorating in my house is from suggestions and assistance from your sister.

  2. Thank you thank you thank you! I have been waiting soo long! I will see it in person someday, but this is great for now! I love the bright color scheme, it helpes there in AK right?! The living room is so cozy. I love the pics on the walls especially the one of G in the field, that is my FAVORITE pic so far of her. great pick of color for the new throw pillows! for that couch being 10 years old it looks great! Did Dave buy you the flowers on the coffee table? which by the way looks sooo good stripped! I have always loved the framed paintings of G's in the dining room, I really want to do that with my kids paintings...but first have to give them the paint!! ha ha
    you have a great system for school...which is by the way why you do the homeschool and I don't! j/k I still need to make the kids one of those boredome baskets that are just AWESOME and would have comein handy this last week of nothing but RAIN!!!
    Your "room" ROCKS! I love the organization! it should not look anymore tidy than that or it would not be functional!
    For not being able to paint you have done an awesome job in your bedroom to make it beautiful! The bedding is awesome. I have yet to find one for our bed that I just LOVE.
    Arianna LOVED G's room. She saw some things that her and Kylee have and thought that that was just cool! she said she wants to go play in her room and I told her that we will someday! It really is just precious, and she keeps it very tidy. Well I guess I should stop talking now or I will go in the record books as the longest comment ever on blogger!! ha love you guys. good job on the house, can't wait to see it in person!

  3. oops I forgot to tell you I LOVe the vinyl letters :-)

  4. this is a great idea! thanks for the 'tour'. i want to see the rest of the picture above the aquarium!

  5. Khrista !! I looooove this !! Even though I'm not part of the family, I so wish I could come visit and see where you live and so really really really loved this post ! And I love your house !! And the way you decorate and I am so going to pinch some of your ideas !! I'm in a rental too so I understand your "pain" !! ha ha.

    Ok ... I love "ENJOY !"on your kitchen wall and am totally going to see if I can find something like that while we are in the States !! I haven't seen those vinyl letters here yet ...

    I love the arrangement above the sink. The potholder and the framed painting and the LOVE plaque. Just perfect !!

    Your living room is sooo cozy ! Cab I come sit with you and knit ? I love the window sills. Mine are too small to put things on ... I love that yours house so many things !! Love the two rocking chairs !! And the basket on the corner of the coffee table. Lvoe that. I always have things in the middle of my coffee table. I really love the way you don't !! I need to rethink that !!!

    That fish tank is AMAZING ! I'd love to kick back with you in that room !! And then, I want to cook together and sit in your dining room and eat together !! Ok ?? Let's do it one day ...

    'your' room is wonderful !! My office is like that too. I'm always in it and always doing stuff and it's so hard to keep it neat !

    Love the master bedroom and those letters are going to be wonderful when you get them put up !!

    G does such a good job of making her bed and tidying her room !! I love all the little pet shop things ! Alia has a lot of the same ... they would probably really love to play together !! And soooo many books ! I love that !!

    Oh no ... that's the last photo ! I wanted it to keep going and going !! :) ha ha.

  6. very cute! i love the pictures... it's nice to get such a feel for somewhere i've never seen in real life! :) you're so organized!
    love the fish tank - they are so relaxing!
    i am working on getting my spare room turned into a more organized craft/work room.
    i can't wait until i am not working and i have more time to make my house look nice!

  7. you have done such a good job with your house. it's hard to decorate in military housing with no painting and minimal wall hangings. very cute! and gwyneth is a spoiled little girl :) i love it!


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