to appease my sister...

So I have been told by my sister Rachel, that if she has to look at pictures of the Dr. Pepper museum one more time, she is going to scream...
She was desperate for new pictures...I understand the frustration...I love it when she posts new stuff on her blog, and am sad when I visit and there is nothing new!
I reminded her that November in AK is pretty dark and dreary, and I have not been really motivated to photograph anything of interest! She insisted I post something, so here are a few from the last few weeks:

G. LOVES to set up the table for dinner. She has done this twice this month already! When she sets the table it is complete with plastic play dishes, utensils, and cups. This particular time she made place cards and a menu and even a centerpiece! (We saved the place cards and menu in her play dishes tub for next time, so she doesn't have to make new ones every time.)
Typically after she sets the table just-so, she rushes to the bathroom and smooths her hair with a little water, and puts in a nice hair bow, then she changes into a skirt, because she wants "to be fancy." It is quite cute how much effort she puts forth to make a nice meal for us.

This place is set for a friend.

The lovely centerpiece. The carnation was from Daddy. He came home with a bouquet for me and one single carnation for G.

On the menu: Pizza, orange, Drinks...water x5, Dr. Pepper, milk, Shirley Temple (G.'s new favorite drink for Mommy to mix up for her!)

A lovely evening indeed...

Dr. Pepper Cake

If you know my know he LOVES Dr. Pepper! No other soda compares...
The only time he drinks any other is when we go to the movies and we split a Cherry Coke (my favorite soda.)
I believe he inherited his taste for it from his wonderful Mother. She always had a Dr. Pepper a day!
Them Texan's love their Dr. Pepper! :) We even visited the Dr. Pepper Museum in Waco, Texas back in 2006.
(Some photos from that trip at the bottom of this post.)
So when I found a recipe online for a Dr. Pepper CAKE!!! I knew we had to try it!
It's super yummy! Moist, and delicious. You can't really taste the Dr. Pepper in it...I think it just increased the moisture. This cake is very rich...a glass of ice cold milk is a must with it! :)

Here is the recipe:

Dr Pepper Chocolate Layer Cake

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (natural)
1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon (scant) salt (Morton Kosher)
1 cup Dr Pepper (not Diet)
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
8 tablespoons butter, softened, cut up
2 large eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup canola oil
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Silky Chocolate Butter Frosting:

3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup all purpose flour
3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa
1 cup milk
1 cup butter (2 sticks, salted)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 cup bittersweet (Ghirardelli) chocolate chips, melted and cooled

Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray two shiny 9-inch cake pans with Pam for Baking flour added cooking spray or grease and flour using your favorite method.

Sift together the flour, sugar, dark brown sugar, cocoa powder and baking soda; stir in the salt. Set aside.

Heat the Dr Pepper in a small saucepan over medium. When it starts to bubble, reduce heat to low, add the chocolate chips and stir until melted. Turn off the heat and stir in the butter. Set aside to cool for about 8 to 10 minutes.

With an electric mixer, beat the eggs, buttermilk, oil and vanilla for 2 minutes. At lowest speed, slowly add the Dr Pepper mixture and beat for 1 additional minute. Gradually add the dry ingredients (flour mixture), and beat until smooth by hand or using medium to low speed of mixer.

Divide the batter evenly between the prepared pans, and bake for 30 to 38 (mine took 38) minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool in pans for 15 minutes, then invert onto cooling racks, lift off pans and allow to cool completely before frosting. The frosting requires cooling time, so you may want to get started on that right away.

Prepare frosting. In 2 quart saucepan, stir together sugar, flour and cocoa until evenly combined. Add milk and stir until smooth - don’t worry if there are a few lumps because they will smooth out as you cook.

Turn heat to medium and cook, stirring constantly until mixture thickens and boils. Reduce heat to low, cook 2 minutes, stirring all the while. Remove saucepan from heat; cool completely. This should take 40 minutes to an hour. You can let it cool while the cake cools if you want.

Now for the fun part! In large bowl with mixer at medium speed, beat softened butter until creamy. Gradually beat in cooled milk mixture, vanilla and melted chocolate.
Frost the cake.
(recipe originally posted *HERE*)

Some pictures from our Dr. Pepper museum visit just before we moved to Alaska in late 2006.

Veteran's Day 2008

A little scene from our very relaxed long weekend. David had Sat.-Tues. off thanks to Veteran's Day.
We did a lot of nothing! :) Just relaxed and spent lots of time together...
Had waffles on Veteran's Day...
I finished up a knitting project...etc.

Thanks to all of those who serve, now and previously.
We can thank you for the freedoms we enjoy here in the USA.
I am especially grateful to all of my family who has served...
My Dad (US Navy)
My Brother (US Navy)
My Brothers-in-Law (US Navy & US Army)
My Grandaddy (US Army Korean War)
Many friends...a few who were or are currently deployed to Iraq...
...and last but most certainly not least
...My husband. (I LOVE YOU!)


I am foregoing the usual Flashback Friday post today to appease my sister Rachel, who has been waiting for a tour of our home! :)
Since we live so far away from family this post is mostly for them. I wish we could fly them all out here for a tour in person, but until we all win the lottery (j/k) this will have to do...
We are currently renting a cozy small home...I am just now becoming comfortable with it, and really love certain areas of our home. I have just recently been sprucing up certain things... i.e. our ten year old couch, and our piano and bench.
It is always a challenge when you are renting to decorate...You can't paint, and should probably minimize the amount of holes you put in the walls... I long for the day we own our own home, and we can do whatever! And I am MOST CERTAINLY hiring my lovely sister Rachel to decorate! Check out her home *HERE* and *HERE* She is truly amazing and has such a talent and eye for decorating!

My kitchen.
I am always drawn to bright cheery colors!

Our living room.
This photo was taken before I got to sewing the throw pillows on the couch.

Here are the throw pillows finished...Eventually the bigger back pillows will get a facelift too!

The views from the couch, that I am sitting on more often these days to knit...
*not to self*...close half bathroom door when giving home tour...ha! :)

Our dining/school/music/craft area.

The bar is a great place to put all of Gwyneth's school books and supplies. Nice and long. I hate the back of the cabinets though...The cabinet below houses yet more school books.

This is a little area I created beside the piano to hold craft items. Gwyneth's Boredom Basket is on top, crayons and coloring books on the bottom, and in the window to the right are stacks of magazines she is allowed to go through and cut pictures out of...some are mine, waiting for me to make time to clip things out of.

On to the upstairs...

The spare room.
This is basically my room. :) My computer is up here, with all my crafty stuff too...
Admittedly it is a room I spend a lot of time in, but regretfully can never keep tidy! So here it is as-is:

Occasionally I will allow Gwyneth to occupy a good chunk of the floor space with Legos that her Daddy has passed onto her. They are usually stored in the garage. They were recently up here for about a month, and have since gone back into storage.

The master bedroom.
I eventually want to get matching nightstands, and get David a more sophisticated alarm clock. :) I also have vinyl lettering to go on one of the main walls in here too. The letters say: "LOVE A simple smile, and tender touch."

Gwyneth's room.
She makes her own bed, and cleans her room every few days or so...this is how it looked this morning after she had done her daily tidying up:

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