//Flashback Friday// - Edition 2

Back in June Gwyneth and I hit the jackpot at the thrift store! A pair of like-new roller skates without a price tag that the lady had to sell to us for only $2! They were a bit small for me, and a bit big for her, but we bought them anyway! That day we had fun practicing in the garage, and then I put them on to show her how to skate. (I have tiny scars on my ankles from the blisters that ensued!) She had a great time pulling me on her bike though!

In the days and weeks that followed the skates made an appearance at Breakfast...

and Computer time...

...and various other areas of life.
We established rules about the skates early on though...no skating in the kitchen or dining room, and no leaving the skates in walkways!
The skates haven't come our much lately, but as I have been typing this post up, G. has went and found her skates and proceeded to skate in the hallway for a little while. She is reading over my shoulder. :)
One of my fondest childhood memories is of my Dad taking my sister and I on a "date night" almost every Tuesday to the roller skating rink. It was Christian music night on Tuesdays. We would skate for hours, and come home thoroughly exhausted! My Dad was so fun! He would hold our hands and skate as fast as he could and then fling us ahead of him as hard as he could and we would go FLYING! It was SO fun! I distinctly remember one Tuesday was election day. George W. Bush was elected President that night! I remember my Dad taking a break every now and then from the skating rink to sit in the snack bar watch as the election results were displayed on all the TVs.Very fond memories! I wish we had a roller skating rink here!


  1. So very cool! That was a great thrift store find! and see you do remember things in detail from when we were kids...you just chose to remenber different things than I did!

  2. That was such a fun post ! I can just see your Dad doing those things you described !

    So ... where's the photo of you in your skates ? There must be one somewhere ... :)


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