Camping - July

We went camping again, about three weeks ago actually.
As usual I took quite a few pictures. Here's a slideshow and a few of my favorites...
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Gwyneth took this picture of David and I together.
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Her expressions as she savors the roasted marshmallows...she looks sad to have finished it in the last shot, eh?

2008.07 Camping


  1. Lovely pictures! :) I hope to have mine up this week. How is the book so far? I am waiting for my friend to finish and pass it on to me... I'm too cheap to buy it, and the waiting list at the library is soooo long! I have plenty to read to keep me busy until then though, since I didn't even make a dent in the stack I took on vacation. :)

  2. I love these pics...Whyneth really has your talent! that camping trip looks like you had SOO much fun...Can't wait to someday come out and do it with you!


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