
I did a scrapbook page today! Woo! Hoo! It took me a ridiculous amount of time to complete, and I am not 100% satisfied with it...but it felt good to do a page!
I absolutely love this photo of G. and wanted to do a page that included my pet name for her:
My Girl...



This date marked my parents 30th Wedding Anniversary! I wanted to post a little something about them, to express how special this is.
My parents were married, August 8th, 1978. Two years before I came into this world. They have been a constant encouragement, and example of what a true partnership should be.
They have stayed together through good times, and some very rough times.
In the 30 years they have been together, they have raised 4 wonderful children (*wink*) who have blessed them with 8 grandchildren.
I think their marriage is a testament that love can endure, and that true commitment is still real in today's society!
I'm sure both of them would tell you that it has not always been easy, but that ups outweigh the downs. I pray that they have many more years together!
I wish I had a recent picture of just the two of them together, but this picture truly captures just what my parents are all about. Love and family.This picture was taken two years ago, before we were blessed with Jacob's wife Marissa, and their adorable baby girl Emma.
I love you Dad and Mom and pray your anniversary was blessed in every way!

Meet Tweety & Bluetail

Gwyneth has been wanting a pet to take care of by herself for some time now. She really wants a puppy (a pug to be exact) but with the harsh winters here (and the question "Who's going to walk the dog?" in -20 degree weather...and the ridiculous $1000 deposit our landlord requires, we settled on birds.
We chose to get two, so they would have companionship. We believe we got some very young parakeets. We can't tell the genders yet...but we call the yellow one "Tweety" and the one with the blue tail "Bluetail." Gwyneth and her best friend named them. :o) I think Tweety is a girl, and Bluetail is a boy, but we won't know for sure until they are older.
They are VERY skittish still, and fly to the corners of the cage any time we stick our hands in.
Yesterday we followed some tips from the internet and took their food out of their cage in the morning. Later in the day when they were cheeping away as if to say "Where is our FOOD!?" I put a little of their seed in my hand and very slowly placed it in the cage. Tweety was the first to let the hunger overtake her, and she disregarded the fact that I was standing there with my hand extended and proceeded to eat right out of my hand! Bluetail came over a few minutes later before she could eat it all herself. Later Gwyneth was able to try and they both ate out of her hand as well. David was able to feed them when he got home too. We're hoping they will let us handle them more in the future and that they will get over their fears of us.
Gwyneth feeds and waters them everyday, and loves to stand by the cage and talk to them.

Um, that's not food Bluetail! :o)

Camping - July

We went camping again, about three weeks ago actually.
As usual I took quite a few pictures. Here's a slideshow and a few of my favorites...
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Gwyneth took this picture of David and I together.
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Her expressions as she savors the roasted marshmallows...she looks sad to have finished it in the last shot, eh?

2008.07 Camping
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