
I have...
  • had my teeth cleaned:8AM!
  • washed & dried all the bedsheets, and re-made the bed(s)
  • washed and hung-to-dry one load of colors...two more to go
  • made dinner-Home-made Shells & Cheese with garden salad
  • posted my weekly menu over at the Beans Blog
  • talked to my mom and my sister on the phone!
  • made an appointment for our dishwasher to be repaired
ALL before NOON! Whew! I think a nap is in my future...or maybe a double shot latte! :o)
I will be on again later to share a few tips on self-portraiture. Since you all had a few questions, and MANY sweet comments about my photo the other day!

1 comment:

  1. Busy girl !!! I am just getting started with my morning ... it's only 9:50. We've done the whole morning thing, walked Jono to school. I have a load of laundry in the machine waiting to be hung but I just needed to sit for a bit !

    Can't wait to see the tips !

    AND ... I just saw G's piggy buns and it reminded me. I put them in Alia's hair this morning. LOOKED SOOOO CUTE ! I took some photos ... I'll post them later !


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