hello there!

It's been a while! I'm taking a little break from our lazy Saturday to enjoy the above cup of coffee...mmm...home made mocha...complete with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Simple joys...

Thank you all for your comments on my last post. I am doing much better. I have much to be thankful for! I think the combination of the weather change, falling back an hour, and the sun rising late and setting at 3pm here, I just got a little down. It will be a little challenging keeping our spirits up this winter. We're staying busy though. We just don't go outside much. I think I miss that the most. We had such an amazing summer! We were outside every chance we got. I love the snow, from afar, or through my windows. I don't care too much to be out in it! :o)

I hope to post a few pictures from the last couple of weeks soon. Maybe I'll just do a random picture post.

I had a request to share the pattern for the little felted purse I knitted for Gwyneth. Since my friend Amy is picking up knitting, and I know a couple of you like to knit as well, I thought I would just share it right here on my blog. The purse I made Gwyneth measured 8"H x 6.5"W after it was felted. It is just the right size for her Sparks handbook, and my old Precious Moments Bible, as pictured in the photo to the right... This is a quick and simple project, perfect for a beginner. It's also great for the more experienced knitter who wants a project that does not require a lot of attention (you know the ones you sit with and work on during a movie, or your favorite TV show.)
So here it is:

Little Felted Bag
You will need:

1 skein of chunky wool (I used Patons Classic Wool) (140 yds)
Size 11 16” or 24” circular needles
4 markers (I just tied yarn, in a contrasting color, to my needles.)
yarn needle

Guage: in stockinette, roughly 12 inches and 18 rounds, four inches

Finished measurements: after felting, purse is roughly 6.5 to 8.5 wide by 6.5 to 7.5 tall, depending on how long you felt.

To make bottom of purse: loosely cast on 13 stitches and work back and forth in garter stitch (knit every row) for 38 rows (19 ridges). Do not turn.

Begin main part of bag: Without turning, knit 13 stitches on needle, place marker and pick up 19 stitches along the long edge (1 stitch for each ridge), place a marker and pick up 13 stitches along cast on edge, place marker, and pick up 19 stitches along second long edge, place a fourth marker to mark the beginning of the round; 64 stitches total.

Note: you will be working in rounds from now on. Be sure to keep moving markers as your work.

Begin knitting every round (stockinette stitch) until purse measures 10.5 inches, measuring from pick-p round, ending at beginning of round marker.

Begin handles: On next round, k13, slip marker off, k3, bind off next 13 stitches, k3, slip marker off, repeat to once more, leaving only beginning round marker.

On next round, k16, cast on 25 stitches, k19, cast on 25 stitches, knit to end of round.

Work 4 more rounds, bind off all stitches. Work in ends.

Wash is hot soapy water in your washing machine. Check often through cycle to check felting progress. I did not wash my bag for a full cycle. Rinse in cold water. Let air dry stretched over a shoebox inside a plastic grocery bag, to shape. Embellish with buttons, ribbons, felted flowers, etc.


  1. Hooray ! You're back ! I've missed your blogs ...

  2. Thank you so much for posting this! I finished Kaylyn's bag (same pattern as the one Anna made) so today I am starting Libby's bag and she wants it to be the same shape/size as the one you made.

  3. thanks! i am excited to try it... after i finish my current projects. :) it will be perfect for a christmas present for my nieces.

  4. also, i completely sympathize with you about winter. i would hibernate if i could. :) i don't know what i would do if i lived somewhere as cold as fairbanks!! but i think you have the right idea... just try to stay busy - and warm!


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