Mini Golf

Gwyneth went mini golfing for the first time today! She participated in the library's summer reading program, and some of the rewards included a 2 for the price of one mini golf ticket, a free ride on the Pioneer Park railroad, and a voucher for $1.00 off at the local ice cream shop. Today she redeemed every last one of them, and had a blast! She did quite well at golf too!

This circle is a part of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. Some facts on it can be found HERE.


  1. I love the photo of G in the cicrle and the last one of her in front of the flowers !! So cool the way you make a simple photo look totally different and exciting !! I love it !

  2. I forgot to add that the "circle" is actually a part of the Alaska Pipeline.

  3. Cute pictures! Sounds like a fun day. :)


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