My mother's day was very relaxed and sweet. We went to church, and after the service the kids handed out a goodie bags to all the mother's with a magnet with "God's Promises for a Woman's Heart" on it, and a Ghirardelli chocolate square. Gwyneth made the neatest work of art in children's church, framed and all! (She does some of the best crafts at church!)
I received two homemade cards, one from David and one from Gwyneth, and a box of Dove Dark Chocolate assortment. Mmmm...
For dinner we had King Salmon that a friend of ours gave us. I had never had salmon, outside of salmon cakes my sister and I used to choke down when we were little. (LOTS of ketchup!) I am not a fan of fish. This King Salmon was milder than most fish I have eaten, but still had a little fishy taste. I will try it again, maybe prepared differently.I bribed Gwyneth with chocolate, and the chance to play with my paper parasol to get a picture of us together. David got a couple good shots. It's like pulling teeth to get Gwyneth to actually stop and stay still for a photo these days!


  1. I love this post ! It has a little bit of everything ! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE food pictures. How was the salmon cooked ? I have a great marinade that Rory made up and we do it on the BBQ ... let me know if you are interested and I will send it to you. I love the craft that Gwyneth did ! That is amazing !

  2. I am trying this as anonymous this time so I can actualy make a comment! I love All the pics you have taken, and the video of Gwyneth in Gymnastics is AWESOME she has got some REAL tallent! Keep up the good work Gwynie! I love You, Rach

  3. i'm glad you had a good mother's day. :) i love salmon... we just had it last night actually. i used honey, soy sauce and brown sugar to marinate it. mmmmm... Great picture of you two. so sweet. :)


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