He got married!

My baby brother got married Friday April 13th!
He shocked us a couple weeks ago, telling us he was joining the Navy! Now this! WOW!
I have never met his wife. From what I've heard she is a very sweet girl! Jacob loves her immensely! I can't wait to meet her! (by the way her name is Marissa! :o)
We are going to visit in July to attend their formal wedding. 07/07/07...Cool!
We're really excited and happy for them! (pretty surprised too! ha!)
He heads off to boot camp in September, and then school 8 weeks later.
I just can't believe it all!
Wow! My Baby brother!
(He's gonna hate how many times I said that! ha!)
I stole these photos from Rachel's (my sister) blog. Aren't they cute together?!


Photo credit: Evy

I am fuming right now!
Almost all the snow has melted in our neighborhood, and it looks SO trashed around here! It's disgusting! People are moving out of the neighborhood left and right (probably due to that fact that come May this will no longer be military housing) and leaving tons of trash around and junk!
Then I step out into our backyard to see how much snow is left out there and to get a feel for what I will have to beautify come warmer weather...ugh! DOG CRAP EVERYWHERE! I assume it's from strays, and just irresponsible tenants who let their dogs roam! SO irritating! I don't know what to do about it! I know dogs are creatures of habit and like to potty in the same area...I've got to do something! I checked out some repellents. I really like the idea of this one: Scarecrow Motion Activated Sprinkler, but it's kind of pricey! (Why should I have to deal with this? I don't have a dog!!!) Then there's this option.
Ugh! Any advice? Pity? ha!

Totally Random

I was sifting through my July 2006 folder on my hardrive, and couldn't resist posting this picture of my ADORABLE niece Arianna! Isn't she most beautiful! I just love her eyes!
Can't wait to squeeze her in July!

Sledding Party

Two weeks ago, we went to one of the church elders' house for their annual sledding party. They have put this on for several years. We were excited to go and sled, and meet some people we may not have otherwise met from the church. This family has a great house, on a great plot of land, with an amazing view, and really big sledding hill out back!
Now, Gwyneth has never been sledding before. Total novice. Her and her friend run out back to start sledding. They each pile into their own personal sledding disc, and off they go...
Well, about half way down the hill Gwyneth collides with another girl coming up the hill. After that little disruption she continues down the hill and hits the spot where the speed increases quite a bit. All I hear now is screaming coming from her! I'm not sure if it's screaming with glee, or terror.
I'm up at the top of the hill staring in disbelief and almost running down the hill to "catch" her.
Thankfully Gwyneth and the girl she hit were not hurt. Gwyneth even wanted to go down again, but with Daddy this time.
I went down the hill with her quite a few times as well. It was SO fun going down! As soon as you get to the bottom you're thinking "Yeah! Let's do that again." until a quarter of the way back up the hill...then you're thinking "Man, this hill is so steep, I don't want to have to walk that again!"
We had fun and met some really great people!


I spotted this on our way home from the ice park last week. My girl!

I have been wanting to share a bit of what has been going on here lately, but just haven't made the time. I did however manage to upload a few photos to flickr today. You can see all our photos of the Ice Park! And I found the perfect platform for my obsessive food photography! I created a picture set for some of my food photos!
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