Checkers & Viewmaster

So I did end up getting 7 hours of pretty good sleep last night. I slept with Gwyneth. Her bed is so comfortable! She kicked me quite a bit, and she grinds her teeth in her sleep! makes my toes curl when I hear it!
Before bed last night we played a game of checkers. (Cute little princess checker set courtesy of Aunt Alice...thank you!) Gwyneth has become quite an opponent! She's actually really good! The end we were down to 4 (me) and 2 (her). All kings. She put up a good fight, and I know the day she beats me is not far away!
Oh, and instead of books at bedtime, we read the viewmaster reels. So fun! She has David's viewmaster from when he was a kid, and quite a few of his old reels. (Pictured is Alf...remember him? Some of the others include: Pee Wee's Playhouse, The Muppet Babies, Scooby-Doo, and Dennis The Menace.)
Today I don't have too much on the to-do-list...going to get my hair cut, and some more online shopping for winter gear, maybe hit JCPenny to see what they have. Oh, and gathering everything in one place that I am going to want to install or load onto my laptop when it arrives! I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute ! I've thinking about gettting our kids viewmasters for Christmas. They're back in the stores now ... I haven't seen them in years !! I LOVED my viewmaster when I was a kid ! It's cool that all of the toys I grew up with are coming back ! Cabbage Patch Dolls, Strawberry Shortcake ... to name a few. Love your new blog layout, by the way !


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