Mud Puddles

We've gotten some pretty nasty storms here lately complete with buckets of rain and hail. Gwyneth was dying to play in her pool one day after these storms, but instead had a blast stomping in the puddles and making a huge mess! I can't believe I let her do this! But you've got to loosen up sometimes! Make some memories!


  1. How fun! Great pictures as usual! I've been waiting a loooooong time for you to post new ones! :)

  2. woohoo looks like major FUN! when it gets warm enough and stays that way here my kids will be dirty like that all the time! but I think that is why people invented the hose...right?! I'm sure she just had a blast!

  3. I love this set of photos ! Some of my best memories as a kid involved mud and lots of it !


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