49 Days and Counting!

Last week I suggested to Gwyneth that we make a paper chain with the amount of days until we go and visit Nana and Da and all our other family in Virginia. She was asking me everyday "How many more days till we go see Nana?"
Since she loves doing anything crafty she loved making this. We wrapped it around the headboard of her bed and she rips one off every night before the lights go out.

She's riding a two-wheeler!

Last Wednesday we took Gwyneth out to the middle school to practice riding her bike without training wheels. David read in a magazine that the best way to teach a child to ride without the training wheels is to have them ride on the grass with a slight slope so they learn to balance. We spent about an hour and half at the school and she did really well. Here are a few from that day.
And here are some from yesterday on our street in front of our house! No training wheels on the concrete!

A taste of small town life...

Yesterday we took a little trip to a historic town called Gruene (pronounced "green") It is famous for it's location near the river, and for it's antique shops. We enjoyed walking the streets and viewing the old mansion and window shopping. We visited the General Store which still has an ice cream/soda bar inside! So cute! We stopped by The Great Texas Pecan Candy Co. and sampled some of their candy and brought home their melt-in-your-mouth Pecan Brittle.
We ate a delicious dinner, outdoors on the deck of this restaurant, overlooking the river! I had one of their specials; a half rack of ribs, and David enjoyed their "best wurst." Gwyneth being the finicky eater she is ate only a little of her quesadilla.
What a great way to spend a beautiful Saturday afternoon!

The view from our table.

My view from the dinner table when I looked over my shoulder. The river was so beautiful!

Sprinkler Fun

Gwyneth wanted to "help" Daddy wash his car yesterday. He hooked up the sprinkler for her afterwards. I took pictures of course! I got another camera lens, and am not sure if I want to keep it or not...so I had to experiment *wink*

*Overexposed this one on purpose. I think it turned out cool*

*Silly girl*

*I love the composition of this one*

*She was hiding from me and then poking her head out every once in a while*

*Cold and ready to go inside. Asked me for hot chocolate! It was about 95 degrees outside!*

*Wedding* May 20, 2006

Just some random photos from Saturday. I had the opportunity to be a 3rd shooter at a wedding ! I've tagged along for a previous wedding, but never got to actually take pictures. This time I took over 150! It was fun and I learned a lot. These were some of my favorites.
Getting as much practice in as I can before July! I have the honor and responsibility of photographing my sister's friend when she says "I do" in July!

Gymnastics Spring Exhibition

This Saturday Gwyneth attended her first exhibition for gymnastics. This particular gym offers them in the Spring and the Fall. She did a wonderful job in all the events and every child that participated got a really cool gymnastics medal. Here are most of my favorites:
*all pictures appear larger in another window when clicked*

When she wants you to carry her to her bed after her bedtime stories she says "I want a 'piggy-bank' ride!" (instead of piggy-back)

She asked me the other day as we were in the bathroom primping..."Mommy, is God going to make me have a baby someday?" I answered "Well you should probably get married first." She said "Oh yeah, right..."

I overheard an outburst the other day while she and her daddy were playing his Cabela's Outdoor Adventures game on the Playstation. They were apparently "fishing" and Gwyneth yells "NOT ANOTHER CRAPPIE FISH!" I was unaware of what she was yelling about and came in and aksed "Did my daughter just say 'NOT ANOTHER CRAPPY FISH'?!" David points out that it is the type of fish they had caught and that we mispronounce it with a short a instead of a long a! ha!

She still calls music "noo-sic."

Calls fragile items "glassable."

I'm sure there are a ton of other cute things she says, but these are what I can remember at the moment!

:sigh: Out of the mouth of babes...

Mud Puddles

We've gotten some pretty nasty storms here lately complete with buckets of rain and hail. Gwyneth was dying to play in her pool one day after these storms, but instead had a blast stomping in the puddles and making a huge mess! I can't believe I let her do this! But you've got to loosen up sometimes! Make some memories!

In case you haven't noticed...

I have put a new feature on my blog. "QUOTE OF THE WEEK" made it's debut last week--->
Every Tuesday on our way to gymnastics we pass this baptist church that always has the greatest quotes on their sign out front! I love them! They are always poignant! Hope you enjoy!

To-Do List

My to-do list...all done except #5...just not enough time in the day! hee hee (Excuses! I will go tomorrow!)
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