We're off!

We head off on our Christmas vacation tomorrow! We are so excited we can hardly sleep. Hence the post at 11:30 at night! Things have been busy this weekend in preparation for our departure. I didn't do any packing yesterday as I was tagging along with a local photographer and his wife on a wedding photoshoot!!! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and learned a whole lot! It was incredible! The photographer is Steve Slate his web address is http://www.capturedkeepsakes.com/ He let me bring along my camera, but I soon learned I am not adequately equipped to shoot weddings. Flash is almost required unless you have and incredibly fast lens! He had so much equipment that I really enjoyed handling and help move from each location! I am a bit sore today as I have not been working out lately! I was a bit nervous when they handed over the camera with the $2000 lens attached for me to hold! I had a fantastic time and would love to someday pursue that area of photography! In the meantime I hope there will be many more opportunities to assist! Here are two photos from the day. Not great, but all I could really capture with my equipment!

I hope to still be able to pop in here occasionally while we are away, but no guarantees! If I'm not on here again before then, Merry Christmas!


  1. I know you are going to be reading this while you are here with me...but to the untrained eye those are GREAT pictures!

  2. I've always wanted to do that (tag along with a professional), but never have worked up the nerve! Good for you! Their equipment is amazing isn't it? Great pictures!


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