
Read today out of our copy of My Utmost For His Highest, by Oswald Chambers...

December 31
You shall not go out with haste, . . . For the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard Isaiah 52:12

Security from Yesterday. ". . . God requires an account of what is past"(Ecclesiastes 3:15) At the end of the year we turn with eagerness to all that God has for the future, and yet anxiety is apt to arise when we remember our yesterdays. Our present enjoyment of God's grace tends to be lessened by the memory of yesterday's sins and blunders. But God is the God of our yesterdays, and He allows the memory of them to turn the past into a ministry of spiritual growth for our future. God reminds us of the past to protect us from a very shallow security in the present.

Security for Tomorrow. ". . . the Lord will go before you . . . ." This is a gracious revelation that God will send His forces out where we have failed to do so. He will keep watch so that we will not be tripped up again by the same failures, as would undoubtedly happen if He were not our "rear guard." And God's hand reaches back to the past, settling all the claims against our conscience.

Security for Today. "You shall not go out with haste . . . ." As we go forth into the coming year, let it not be in the haste of impetuous, forgetful delight, nor with the quickness of impulsive thoughtlessness. But let us go out with the patient power of knowing that the God of Israel will go before us. Our yesterdays hold broken and irreversible things for us. It is true that we have lost opportunities that will never return, but God can transform this destructive anxiety into a constructive thoughtfulness for the future. Let the past rest, but let it rest in the sweet embrace of Christ.

Leave the broken, irreversible past in His hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.
My Girl and I went to the Dr. yesterday, I wanted to get in there before the hospital shuts down for three days so we could know for sure she if she had an ear infection and if I had something more than a cold. Well, My Girl is fine. The Dr. said that whatever she had that caused the fever seems to be on it's way out. She hasn't run a fever lately and her appetite has resumed.
I on the other hand have Bronchitis. I'm relieved to know that it's not "all in my head" and I now have a slew of meds to make me better and more comfortable.

We'll spend tonight here at home since the Dr. said to consider myself contagious for two days. We might stay up late enough to see the ball drop. I don't know though, I was out before 10pm last night! Have a safe and happy New Year's Eve!
Wow, now it's been 8 days! We're back home to the very comfortable 60 degree weather. Nice and sunny and dry! We had a few days of rain in Virginia while we were there. And boy was it cold for the most part!
My Girl and I are both sick. She has been running a fever for two days, and I cannot get over this cough/cold I have had for 8 days! We felt miserable yesterday and just laid around watching TV. In the afternoon I gained a little energy and put what was left from our trip away. My Love did most of the unpacking in the morning while My Girl 
and I rested.
My Love is back to work today. He found out he will be working on Sunday, New Years, as well. Bummer. We were looking forward to the long weekend.
So for now I will leave you with two pictures of My Girl all bundled up to play on the trampoline at Nana and Da's house. Isn't she cute??

5 days since my last post

I though I'd come on here real quick and update this a little. I have quite a few photos but will just share a few. We spend most of our time here at my mom's in her newly re-finished garage. They've made it real cozy out there. They have the pool table, flat screen HDTV, and the karaoke machine, and a really nice gas log fireplace type thing. (Don't know what it's called.)
Tomorrow Angie, my older sister, comes into town with her husband and three boys, and on Christmas day my Granny and uncle will be flying in as well. We'll have a really full house then. Rachel, her hubby and all the kids have been staying here since we arrived. It's been really fun. Kind of like when we all still lived at home, only add six extra people.
David has been having a real good time hanging out with Matt and my little brother Jacob. The hottest thing this season for them are these cars called XMODS. You get them at Radio Shack. They are RC cars that you can modify to your liking by adding body kits that you buy extra. They are obsessed with these things! I'll have to take some pictures of their cars so you all can see.
So for now here are a few photos of one of our all nighters out in the garage.

Rachel's Angels

I have been dying to photograph Rachel's kids! I got a little mini session in yesterday in Nana's living room. They are all ADORABLE and have the most amazing eyes. Aren't they to die for?

My Hair

Well, I got it cut! And as always I love it! Rachel (my sister) went with me. We loaded up all four kids and went to the beauty shop! ha! While Rachel was there she was convinced to have her hair cut as well, so Julie scheduled her for the next day! She did a beautiful job on her hair as well! We're having a great time, and enjoying our vacation. It's a bit colder here, but that doesn't keep My Girl inside. She loves going out in Nana's yard and exploring and jumping on the trampoline.
Here are the pictures of our hair. I'll try to post more later, with pictures of all the kids here too!

We're off!

We head off on our Christmas vacation tomorrow! We are so excited we can hardly sleep. Hence the post at 11:30 at night! Things have been busy this weekend in preparation for our departure. I didn't do any packing yesterday as I was tagging along with a local photographer and his wife on a wedding photoshoot!!! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and learned a whole lot! It was incredible! The photographer is Steve Slate his web address is He let me bring along my camera, but I soon learned I am not adequately equipped to shoot weddings. Flash is almost required unless you have and incredibly fast lens! He had so much equipment that I really enjoyed handling and help move from each location! I am a bit sore today as I have not been working out lately! I was a bit nervous when they handed over the camera with the $2000 lens attached for me to hold! I had a fantastic time and would love to someday pursue that area of photography! In the meantime I hope there will be many more opportunities to assist! Here are two photos from the day. Not great, but all I could really capture with my equipment!

I hope to still be able to pop in here occasionally while we are away, but no guarantees! If I'm not on here again before then, Merry Christmas!

Thought it was cold yesterday...

It's currently 33°. But it says it feels like 22°. We have icicles on our patio overhang. You know I couldn't resist photographing it! So here they are. Brrr...
We're off to run errands and pick up photo proofs for David's sister!


It's officially freezing here! I'm sitting her with a nice hot cup of chamomile tea. About to turn in for the night in my nicely warm bed. (thank goodness for heating blankets!)I'm such a wimp when it comes to the cold! I love 60 even 50 degree weather sometimes, but this...
Currently 28 degrees!
We had freezing rain earlier tonight. AWANA at the church was cut short when they started encouraging everyone to go home. Tomorrow the high is only supposed to be 38 degrees! Sheesh...and I have so many errands to run!

Hope you all are staying warm!

Ice on our car mirror tonight.

We're still alive. David has his first final exam last night and will take his last one tonight! Yipee! We are so ready for a break from night school! He will finally be able to eat dinner with us again!
I've been busy proofing photos from Sunday. I photographed David's sister and her family at a local art museum. It was fun, but this is the first time I am really applying all that I have learned as far as digital photography, to really present them with good photographs! Digital is exciting and rewarding, but with it comes a lot of learning and work. I keep at it though, knowing that I will get it down to a speedy system someday!
We are getting closer to Christmas vacation! We leave next week to visit my family in Virginia! I cannot wait! Every time I go home I get my hair cut by one of my longtime friends, Julie! She always does an incredible job! I am kinda stumped as to how to get my hair done this time, and am going to use this blog for a poll! (This is a good time for anyone who lurks here that doesn't usually comment to actually comment!) Below is a collage of all of my previous hair styles (the black and white photo with the flippy style is "a la Julie" she's good huh?) and one that I took today. (Lower Right) I liked the way my hair behaved today, but it doesn't always do that...Most of the time I just leave it curly...So, let me know what you all think. The very first photo dates back to 1998, so please stifle the laughter! ha! I also had long hair again between picture 3 and 4. I had a good time digging these photos out!

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These are some snapshots I took today when I went to scope out the local art museum. I am going to be taking family portraits of David's sister and her family there tomorrow. Beautiful grounds!
I got a new light meter to add to my photography equipment! LOVE it! The exposures were dead on! I was getting very frustrated with my in-camera meter.
We topped the day off with a yummy dinner of homemade Supreme Nachos...Oh, and beer. "Mmm...Beer..."
Till next time!
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