Sick baby

My Girl fought a fever all day yesterday. As I was fixing dinner she fell asleep watching "Willy Wonka" (the original, she really wants the new one when it comes out next Tuesday!)
Her fever went up and down. Finally peaked at 102° at 8:30 last night. She was awakened by a horrible bad dream. She wouldn't tell me what it was about, but it took her a good five minutes to get her bearings again. Scared me. She is fine today all except some congestion. I think we will still go to Cubbies at church tonight.

Not much going on...Just did a little grocery shopping today and cleaning up around the house.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't checked your blog in awhile... loved seeing all your great photos! I need to bust out the camera way more often!! Especially loved the ones Gwen took of you!


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