Christmas Lights

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Last weekend...

Last weekend we drove almost three hours to see one of my longtime friends, Maria.
Maria and I have known each other for about 12 years! We met in Japan. She is my first boyfriend's sister. She's a great person, and when we were together it didn't feel like 11 years had past since we last saw each other in person! We have kept in touch sporadically over the years. She is one of the few friends from Youth Group that I really keep in touch with. We also met her sweet sweet daughter Sabryna. She was so good with My Girl despite their 6 year age difference. My Girl absolutely adored her! On our way home she said "I miss my new friend Sabryna."
It was so good to connect with someone from the past! We had a great time. We went bowling with them as well. We think it was My Girl's first time "really" bowling. Our memories have failed us though, so we could be wrong! It's the first time I documented it with my camera at least!

A Stranger In My House

I woke up this morning alone in bed and heard the sound of dishes clanking in the kitchen.
The dishwasher had been emptied by My Love yesterday, so I wondered to myself what he was doing... I slowly rolled out of bed, and took my time sauntering out to the kitchen. When I came around the corner I saw this man who resembled my husband but couldn't be! He was making pancakes! I was so surprised! Then throughout the morning I grew quite fond of this stranger! He bathed My Girl and even got the laundry started and kept up with it throughout the afternoon! I'd like to keep him! I wonder how long he will stay?...hee hee
We've been having a good day so far. My Love has been bringing in all the Christmas decorations. He even put some lights up out in the front yard. My Girl has been having fun following him around all day. She loves to help! My Love and I watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation last night. We watch that movie a couple times from Thanksgiving to New Years. It's so hilarious!

Here are some photos from yesterday...

Working off that Thanksgiving feast. Before these shots I had been out back playing "Red Grover" (My Girl pronounces Red Rover like this.) and freeze tag with the girls.

And the sunset....
Happy Thanksgiving! I pulled out my camera this morning, because the light was so nice. (And because I can't help myself! ha!) We're heading over to Pop-Pops in a little bit. Hope you all have a great day!

Punkin' Pie

Mmmm...I've been baking! Made Grandma Runyen's famous pumpkin pies. I even made one with a handmade crust! It looks so sorry! But I'm sure looks don't affect taste! I filled the two pre-made shells and had pie mix left for one more pie. Couldn't waste it!
I also made a batch of Spiced Tea. Mmmm..Having a cup as I type. It's a bit sweet, but brings good memories.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

New Site

A site totally dedicated to my photography obsession. No journaling, just technical info and images.
Link is also to your left.

Busy, busy...

I've got lots to talk about, but no time tonight. So I leave you with my latest photography endeavor...Still life... David's cousin Katie is in culinary school to become a pastry chef and asked me to photograph her latest cake for a publication she wants to submit it to. Isn't is gorgeous?! I really enjoyed the challenge and loved that my subject cooperated! ha!
I'll try and update tomorrow!

Fall is here...

Well it's officially cold here! Finally! I'm loving it! Monday we had a cold front move in and it's been nice and cool ever since. We even had the heater come on a few times during the night.
Fall is one of my favorite seasons. Especially living in this climate! Relief!

I'm a photo nut, as if you all didn't already know that! I take pictures of anything and everything. Digital enables me!!! It would be interesting to remember the most ridiculous thing I have ever photographed. I can't rely on my memory very much. So I will take a poll...What do you think is the most ridiculous or odd thing I have ever photographed?
You won't hurt my feelings...I already know I am a's wearing off on my daughter too! hee hee She already has an obsession with photographing feet!

Yesterday was a much better day than Tuesday. We went to ladies Bible study. Good stuff...I always leave there refreshed and assured that I have a heavenly father who loves me, and does care about me, even when I think he doesn't, or that I may not be so lovable. 
My Girl always does the most amazing crafts in her class when we go!
Here's the latest:

Yesterday I spent as much time cleaning my car as I did my house! It's ridiculous! The interior and exterior are sparkling! I love a clean car. But because it takes so much time I hardly ever do it! It was nice to get out in the fresh air and sunshine. My Girl helped, but soon got bored and wandered the yard, picking up rocks and picking more weeds for my window!

Pop Pop comes home today! So My Girl and I are picking him up at the airport later. We have him home for Pizza Night tomorrow!

one of those days...

You'd think it was a Monday because of how things went this morning...One of those days where I said "I should have stayed in bed." You know those days, where nothing seems to be going right. Some issues with our bank this morning threw me in a funk. I'm really trying to adjust my attitude about money lately. Be a good steward...etc. and then there are these little waves that come along. I know they are tests, to see how I will react. I have to admit that I didn't respond really well to today's test.

My Girl had gymnastics today so we left a little early to go and get a movie at Hollywood with one of our .99 cent coupon. We got Madagascar. I love .99 cent coupons! It just stinks that you can't use more than one at a time. Really dumb if I do say so. I can go in there tomorrow and use the other one, but couldn't use them both today...

We end up being really early for gym... I didn't want to just sit there and try and entertain 
My Girl  so I search for something to do.
She goes to gym right by the cemetery where Mom is buried. Her gravestone was just put in, so I decide it's time for a visit.
It's the first time I had been back since the day she was buried. It might not have been the best day for a visit as I was already emotional. It was flower pick-up day so there were a lot of workers out. I have never driven myself to her site, so I had a little trouble finding her. As we were driving, I asked 
My Girl if she knew what all the white stones are. She says "No." I told her I would explain when we got to where we are going. She said she had seen them on Scooby Doo before. (She's paying attention.) We get to Mom's plot get out. I read the inscription on the headstone to My Girl. The very last engraving on there is "Gramcracker." I saw a flicker of realization in My Girl's eyes when I read that. I explained to her that when people die their body stays here. It's usually put in a pretty box and buried under the ground. People put markers over the box with their name, birthday, and the day they died on it, so they will always be able to remember. I told her that even though her body is still here, Gramcracker's spirit, the loving person she was, her laugh and her smile and hugs are all in heaven, waiting for us! I had to hold back tears explaining all this to her. I think I was partly reassuring myself. I miss her so much and could have used one of her great big hugs today!My Girl was very serious and quiet as I was telling her all this. Her only responses were some barely audible "Oh"s and "Yeah"s.

As we left and went back to gym, I took that opportunity to explain a little more about heaven. I asked her if she knew how to get to heaven. She told me no. I asked her if she knew who was in heaven. She said yes, and told me that God was in heaven. I told her that God's son Jesus was there too. I also told her that Jesus came to earth and died one time just like Gramcracker. She said "Yeah, he died on a cross." (She is getting something out of Sunday School!) I told her that the only thing we have to do to get to heaven to see God and Jesus and Gramcracker again is to believe that God has a son, and he sent his son to our world, to die for us. I know it didn't make a whole lot of sense to a 4 year old...but I have planted a seed I believe...
We were still a little early to gym, so we sat in the car and My Girl asked me for a piece of paper to draw on. She doodled for a little while and handed it back to me. I looked at it real quick and say "That's cute." (You know how it think all your child's art is cute, and sometimes don't study it that well before you give praise.) But...I looked at it a little more carefully after she shot me a look that said "Mommy, you didn't even see it!" Then I saw it...

She had drawn a person with a sad face and tears running down it's cheeks. She pointed to it and said "That's how I feel." I was amazed at how well she was able to express her feelings. And through art! She's such a special girl! I reassured her that I felt sad a lot that Gramcracker was not here anymore, but I mostly feel happy for her. She can walk and talk and laugh again. My Girl seemed to perk up after that, and gym helped her move past the sad feeling.
Sorry for the long drawn out post, but it is sort of therapeutic for me to write about the events of the day.
 This morning I found a card from my sweet hubby on the kitchen table. He surprises me sometimes. I have it by my kitchen window beside the "flowers" 
My Girl
 picked for me yesterday.
So today wasn't all bad...Just a rough start...After gym, My Girl's cousin called and asked if My Girl could come over. I was so thankful for that offer. My Girl was taken care of for three hours and I was able to come home and get the bank issue cleared up and the bills paid!

I am grateful for so much...I thank God even for the tests...I am a stronger person because of them...and he is so gracious in allowing it to be a short test today...

I've got photos!

Not much going on here. But I do have new photos! I got my new (new-to-me) 50mm lens on Saturday and had to try it out yesterday! Our pear tree in the backyard it losing it's leaves, so My Girl and I raked them up into a pile and had some fun. I took quite a few pictures, and so did My Girl, but I will spare you all and include only my favorites.

David had a long weekend. We spent Friday around here. David worked on his car. He has changed the color scheme to red and black. Painted his dash, and put up the red crushed velvet on the ceiling. Looks NICE! I haven't been able to get photos of the "after" yet...soon.

Saturday I cleaned the entire house. David helped with some dusting and vacuuming. He also hung some shelves in My Girl's room for her Beanie Baby Bear and Barbie collection. I still have to paint them, but they are up!

Sunday we made it to church. And I got to play around with my new lens!

Hope you all had an excellent weekend!

P.S. Click photos to see them larger.
P.P.S. Yes, My Girl has a thing for photographing feet... cooky girl...

her new puppy

My Girl painted the figurine I bought her. Isn't it cute? She is such an artist. Didn't go with just a couple colors...had to use them all!
After a few months of searching and reviewing lenses...I ordered one today! I have the most awesome hubby who gave me the green light. I'm so spoiled! Should be here next week! I can't wait to try it out!
Off to go do some homeschool with My Girl!

photos that were supposed to be in the last post...

nothing much

I already typed a long entry, but took too long to post it, so I was signed out! argh! I'll sum up the past few days quickly.
Sunday we stayed home from church because My Girl wouldn't be allowed in there with her cough. I wouldn't have taken her anyway...she sounded horrible. We did go to the Air Show since it was outside and 
My Girl couldn't get anyone sick there. She was miserable though. She whined almost the entire time. We were not prepared for this at all. It was stinkin' hot, sunny and hear 90 degrees. David and My Girl could have used hats, and sunglasses, and I got sunburned of course! We were only there two hours too! We would have left sooner, had we not run into Laura (David's sister) and her family. Of course My Girl perked right up when she saw them. We wandered around with them a while. I didn't get great pictures. Totally not my element. I was going to leave my camera at home, but David mentioned taking it.

We stayed home from gymnastics today. I knew 
My Girl wouldn't be able to run around like she normally does. Bummer too, because it was a gloomy day and she could have used to running around.

We aren't going to Bible Study tomorrow. We'll have to hit the library before school gets out or something. Got-to-get-out-of-this-house! Going-stir-crazy! We will be stopping to pick up the new
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory DVD. My Girl has wanted it since we saw it in the theater. David and I loved it as well.

So, for now we are just taking it easy here. Being lazy, watching a lot of movies! (well 
My Girl is.) I did get out for a couple hours yesterday all by myself! I asked David if he would mind and he said no. So I went to the scrapbook store: gave myself a $10 limit. I only got a few pieces of paper. I won't be going back to that store, poor selection. I didn't spend my whole $10 there. I went to Walmart and bought the new Scrapbooks Etc. magazine for inspiration, I picked up some paints and a plaster of paris puppy figurine for My Girl to paint. I also got her some generic watercolor paints. They are already almost gone! Stick with Crayola! I stopped by Starbucks to top my outing off with a Tall Caramel Frappuccino. Yum...

I have a great hubby for staying home with our sick girl and giving me a break!

I'll leave you all for now, before I get signed out again!

Sick baby

My Girl fought a fever all day yesterday. As I was fixing dinner she fell asleep watching "Willy Wonka" (the original, she really wants the new one when it comes out next Tuesday!)
Her fever went up and down. Finally peaked at 102° at 8:30 last night. She was awakened by a horrible bad dream. She wouldn't tell me what it was about, but it took her a good five minutes to get her bearings again. Scared me. She is fine today all except some congestion. I think we will still go to Cubbies at church tonight.

Not much going on...Just did a little grocery shopping today and cleaning up around the house.

Cutest Cheetah

Isn't she the cutest cheetah ever?!

The rain let up last night, but brought with it some really cold temperatures! My Love stayed home from school to go to the Fall Festival with us. I'm glad he did, because he kept up with My Girl better than I could have. She wanted to go everywhere. She played a few games and got a bit of candy. She finished off the evening with the jumper castles and rides.

My Girl woke up feeling cruddy this morning. She woke up at 7:15 and came and told me her head hurt, she climbed into bed with me for a little while and then was up for good 45 minutes later. She sounded congested and said her throat felt "slobbery." I didn't feel so great this morning either. Probably some cold we picked up somewhere. We did attempt gymnastics but half way through My Girl came out and said she was cold, so we packed up and came home. She's been watching movies and resting.

We're off to the store to get some Gatorade and snacks...
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