It's Friday! PIZZA NIGHT!

We have pizza every Friday night! It's a tradition that started about 3 years ago with Dad and Mom Runyen. We usually ended up there every Friday to visit and it was so much easier to order pizza than to cook for such a crowd. The tradition has stuck. It has remained so through David's tour in Korea, our move to Kentucky, our move back, and even with Mom R.'s's even stretched into my side of the family. I believe they have pizza on Friday's quite regularly now...

We all love pizza night, first because it's so yummy and easy, and also because it's when we all stop what we're doing and get together as a family for just one night!

I need to get pictures...these are all I have at the moment...taken last year when Angie (my sister) and her family came to visit.

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to our pizza NITE
    it does bring us together and that is what we need more of, Mom R
    would like that. THANK YOU

    dad r


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