menu plan // 3.19.18

This week we are eating...

March 19-25, 2018

12 Monday

13 Tuesday

(Freezer) Pork Carnitas (this recipe is delicous!)

14 Wednesday

Ginger Baked Salmon, Rice, and asparagus (every Wednesday! ha!)

15 Thursday

Instant Pot Texas Beef Chili with rice (Instant Pot FTW!)

16 Friday

Pizza Night! "The Usual" + Spicy Mozzarella (from this book I got at a library sale. 

17 Saturday

Weeknight Tuscan Ribollita with sourdough bread

18 Sunday


menu plan // 03.12.18

(Our two little ones in the kitchen making biscuits to enjoy with honey after reading The Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco.) 
Hello! this thing on? :)
It's been a while!
I've missed you!

I had to take a little time to find my way around again. :)
I do hope to make regular entries here happen again very soon.
Without getting bogged down in updating on the last 4 years (?!?!) I'm just going to dive right in with one of my favorite "themes of old":
Menu Plan Monday.
My Menu Planning posts are ones I search for on my blog myself! They are a great source of inspiration when I am in a menu planning rut. It is also fun to look back on all the different "seasons" of eating for our family.

 So, this week, this is what will be enjoyed in our home:

March 12-18, 2018

12 Monday

13 Tuesday

Crockpot Salsa Chicken

14 Wednesday

Ginger Baked Salmon, Rice, and Steamed Broccoli

15 Thursday

Crockpot Lasagna

16 Friday

Pizza Night! "The Usual" + Funky Lime

17 Saturday

18 Sunday


space to breathe

{blog} space to breath
We pass this beautiful barn to get to our new home.

It has been quite the whirlwind two months!
(three months since I last blogged. whoops!)
Mid-May our household belongings were all packed up and we left Texas to travel to see family and then to our final destination: Tennessee.
Moving is always so stressful and this time was no different.
It was probably even harder this go-around with THREE kiddos.
We have spent so much time in our van driving all around our new town.
We have been eating out far more often than any of us would like.
Nonetheless, we have found a seemingly perfect home to live in for at least the next year!
For all my worrying, stressing, and FIVE days straight of house hunting, God had just the right home waiting for us!

My very wise and wonderful friend Rachel, sent a lovely letter that was waiting for me when I arrived at my Mama's house.
She included this fitting passage:
Philippians 4:6-7
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all [a]comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I went back to these verses many times during our searching for a home.
When I felt hopeless and overwhelmed with worry I read it again.
After numerous disappointments in our search, on a whim a realtor we met with suggested a house that had just become available for rent. And had also been reduced in price.
"It's is kind of far from town, you will have quite a commute to work" she said.
Perfect we thought.
And it was!
Immediately the drive out to the place was peaceful.
The rolling hills, dotted with cows, corn and wheat fields.
Green pastures, blue skies, and puffy white clouds.
And then we arrived. . .
The yards were substantial and neighbors not too close.
On the grounds were numerous fruit trees.
Pear, apple, peach. . . The neighbors even maintain a mini-orchard of sorts, behind our home.
It felt like home.
And we could breathe out here. . .

{blog} space to breath
The side yard of our new home.

{blog} space to breath
My Girl, exploring the neighbor's mini-orchard.

{blog} space to breath
Sunlight through fruit trees.

goin' to colorado

This is so outside of my "box," but I am


Little Bébé and I are flying to meet (most, for the first time) some incredible ladies!
We have all grown to "know" each other through the internet, and friendships have really blossomed through countless emails, Instagram, Blogs, and HAPPY MAIL.
This weekend will involve a little craftiness, a little yoga, a trip to BOULDER, yummy food, delicious coffee & tea.
While it is smack dab in the middle of our crazy move, I believe I will come home so refreshed, and energized it won't even matter that my house will be packed up less than a week after I arrive home! :)
I can't wait to share photos and stories from this trip!
In the meantime, stop by each of these sweet ladies space on the internet and soak in the goodness!
Sara our gracious host and "tour guide." :)
Jennifer B.
Jennifer L.
You can also follow along on our adventures on Instagram with the hashtag #coloradogirls2013


{blog} rest
That's just what I did today.

I think my husband may have seen what I scheduled for the day because he helped me achieve rest.
He has taken the baby and let me sleep in a little this morning, put away laundry, helped make dinner and cleaned up all the mess that it created.
He has played Hide & Seek with the bigger kiddos, brushed teeth, & read books.
He's pretty special.

I was intentional about rest today because I have been feeling poorly lately.
I'm sure stress is a contributing factor as we are MOVING in less than three weeks!
But I also twisted my neck out of whack in the middle of the night Sunday and have been to see my chiropractor two days in a row. She told me that I may still have notable levels of relaxin in my system since I am nursing.
My ice pack is my best friend.

Tomorrow will hopefully be a repeat of today, and surely I should feel markedly better!

weekending // 04.15.13

We love weekends around here. Such a sweet time to work on projects together, play together, plan together & eat yummy food.
{blog} weekending // 04.15.13
{blog} weekending // 04.15.13
{blog} weekending // 04.15.13
{blog} weekending // 04.15.13
{blog} weekending // 04.15.13
{blog} weekending // 04.15.13
sunshine ● popcorn ● big straw hats ● baby smiles ● pancakes ● yard work ● video games ● The Hobbit ● wine ● grocery shopping ● homemaking binder organization/design ● budgeting ● planning ● playing with best friends ● 

menu plan // 04.13.13

{blog} menu plan // 04.13.13
Firstly, I must thank my awesome sister-in-love Marissa, for sharing her menu plans with me for the last month. She diligently plans each meal her sweet family will enjoy each week! She inspired me to start planning breakfast and lunch as well, and has shared many tips on how to get it all done and stay within budget! Thank you Marissa!

April 13-19, 2013

13 Saturday

Breakfast: Eggs, Avocado Slices, Kiwi Fruit, Banana & clementines
Lunch: Order pizza
Dinner: Raid the Pantry/Fridge (fend for yourself)

14 Sunday

Breakfast: Blender Banana Oat Pancakes (first time trying these :)
Lunch: Leftover Pizza
Dinner: Salmon Cakes (Practical Paleo pg. 310) Mashed Faux-Tatoes (Practical Paleo pg. 344) and Sauteed Cabbage

15 Monday

Breakfast: Banana Bread Muffins
Lunch: Hard Boiled Eggs, raspberries & blueberries, cucumber slices, carrot sticks, and avocado slices
Snack: Raw cheese & apple slices
Dinner: Blackeyed Peas (soaked the night before) and Cornbread with sauteed Collard Greens, and Sauerkraut (Bubbies brand)

16 Tuesday

Breakfast: Monkey Salad (will probably sub another nut for the cashews.)
Lunch: Baked Sweet Potato & Kale (Whole Food Kitchen recipe)
Snack: Popcorn & Smoothies
Dinner: Sausage Stuffed Acorn Squash

17 Wednesday

Breakfast: Personal Baked Eggs with Greens & Bacon
Lunch: Applegate Farms Hot Dogs or Almond Butter Sandwiches with fruit
Snack: Kale chips & raw cheese
Dinner: Super Porktastic Bacon-Topped Spinach and Mushroom Meatloaf (will use ground grass-fed beef from the farm)

18 Thursday

Breakfast: Berries, coconut flakes, chocolate chips, almonds, and almond milk (aka: "Cereal")
Lunch: Salad & Leftovers
Snack: Cuties & Larabars (on sale and had a coupon this week)
Dinner: Mustard Glazed Chicken (Practical Paleo pg. 266) Honey Glazed Carrots, & Sauerkraut

19 Friday

Breakfast: Omelets
Lunch: Avocado Chicken Salad in lettuce leaves
Snack: baby carrots, cucumber slices & "Ranch" dip (homemade with yogurt)
Dinner: Grain-Free Mini Pizzas & Pepperoni Pizza with Gluten-Free Crust
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