weekending // 03.18.13

{ blog } weekending
It was all about the yummies this weekend . . .
we kicked it off with grocery shopping! woo! hoo!
hence the yumminess!
{roast chicken • smoked Gouda and sliced cucumbers • pizza (with a gluten free crust) • shamrock eggs • corned beef and cabbage   •   avocado chicken salad   •   fruit salad}

{ blog } weekending
and of course an utterly yummy baby . . .

{ blog } weekending
there was also hooping . . . lots, and lots of hooping! :)

march goals

{ blog } march goals

In March 2013 I will . . .
*Revised yoga plan: 2x week
*walk for refreshment and exercise 2x week
*condense and organize my recipe binder
*finish Thank You Notes for little Bébé & Christmas (gasp!)

- In hindsight, my goal last month to practice yoga daily was a bit ambitious. I managed to practice daily for 9 days in a row! But, I have revised my "plan" to fit into my busy daily commitments as a Mama and Wife. 2x a week is definitely do-able! :) 
- My hubby actually suggested walking during the week. He even offered to carry Bébé in the Ergo! 
- My recipe binder has been in need of some attention for a long while now. I have a 3" binder literally bursting at the seams. (Hubby repaired it with fun rainbow duck tape. ;) I've been "collecting" recipes in this particular binder for about 7 years now. I want to condense and organize it enough to fit into a 2" binder. Only keep our absolute favorite recipes.
- My most shameful goal is to finish some LONG over due Thank You notes.

{ blog } march goals
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