36 Weeks

Supposedly a month left of carrying this wee babe within.
We're all excited to welcome it into our arms!
This month was filled with crazy nesting energy!
I was afraid it might put me on bed rest at times. It truly is insane! Our home has gotten a total overhaul. We've purged and organized, hung lighting fixtures, shelving, pictures etc. Whew!
I need to get it all done so I can stop and rest a bit before labor! ;)
Also this month was pretty uncomfortable.
Back pain, insomnia, carpal tunnel pain, numb arms and hands in my sleep . . .
But all-in-all this pregnancy has gone by so much faster than the other two.

thursday's books

My dear, long-time friend Bonnie and I share a love for many of the same things.
We are both passionate about cooking (well food in general ;) organizing, planning, reading, gardening.
It's too bad she lives all the way in Australia!
Wait, bad for whom? Oh, just ME!She lives in PARADISE! ha! :)
Anyways, we also share a love of books.
Library books to be specific.
There's just something magical about going into a space with shelves weighted down with books of all kinds.
And getting to take as many as my little heart desires home with me for 3 weeks! Glorious!
I admit I have not been as frequent a patron as I wish.
It is not a place I enjoy taking my very energetic almost-three-year-old . . . yet.
(I will get him hooked someday, like My Girl)
The best days are when my little guy gets a little Daddy time, and My Girl and I can whisk away to this wonderful home of written words.
My Girl usually beats me in total take-home. But sometimes I pass her with all the cookbooks! :)
I tend to check out the same books over and over. I vow one day to buy them, but why when I can have them for free?!

Back to my friend Bonnie . . .
She started a series on her blog called "Thursday's Books."
Every week, on Thursday, she shares her "library loot" on her blog.
 Sometimes she even reviews the books!
She encourages her readers to join in the fun . . .
So here is my first week.
This run was a fairly quick one with "the boys" waiting in the van while "the girls" ran into the library "real quick" to pick up My Girl's reserved books. (The Warriors series, if you're curious. ;)
I quickly skimmed the New Book section and then headed straight for the cookbooks.
I have borrowed both The Vegetable Dishes I Can't Live Without and Supermarket Vegan before, but the Nikki McClure book was a gem of a discovery! I LOVE her artwork! The recipes seem kind of fun too, but I won't kid and tell you I got it for the recipes, I wanted to gaze at the lovely images!
What are you reading lately?
Do you love the library as much as us?
Share, and join in the fun!
Post to your blog, facebook, instagram (hashtag  #thursdaysbooks), flickr, photobucket, anywhere you please ... and then come leave a comment so I can come see.

these two

melt me . . .
our little guy had a grand time playing in the garden beds. So cute!

ten on ten - September 2012

♥ I cheated a little and took this last picture this morning. Anniversary flowers from My Love. 14 carnations. One for each year of marriage. ♥

This was a particularly rough day preceeded by a night of insomnia, followed with a toddler waking before 7AM, said-toddler choking, and cutting up good coupons,and general life upsets. But you wouldn't know it from the pictures.
Life is good . . . All the time . . .

All the time . . . God is good . . .

is a fun monthly photo project to document
"life and beauty among the ordinary things of our day" 
and can be found at 
ten on ten button
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