happy list // 08.27.2012

Happy List
1.her creativity, and ability to play with her little brother. 2.My Love has taken Saturdays as his day to cook! He plans the meal and prepares it! I'm a lucky girl! 3.LEGO mania here! Happy they can play something together without fighting. That is until he wrecks her airport! ;) 4.I had a chance this weekend to play with a bit of yarn! 5.and organize a little "knitting nook" of sorts. Love it! 6.playing outside. . . in the MUD! Nothing better! 7.her sweet smile. 8.a fresh organic peach, inspiring book, and my hammock. 9.they have taken to playing chess while Baby Boy bathes. :)

What's been making you HAPPY lately?

32 Weeks

32 Weeks
32 Weeks
32 Weeks

This month included:

  • numerous charlie horses (bleh!)
  • weekly chiropractic care for my funky back
  • twice a month visits to our awesome midwives
  • copious amounts of coffee. (oops)
  • amazingly strong kicks and pokes by what I expect to be a very long babe
  • mild insomnia
  • weird inner ear issues (?)
  • night sweats (am I pregnant or menopausal?!)
  • the realization that in mere weeks we will meet this small one!
  • also, the realization that I'M PREGNANT! As in, I went to pick out an outfit one day and realized I have this big BELLY! Getting interesting dressing the bump.
  • nesting. . . as in purge/organize/paint/re-arrange EVERYTHING! etc. 
  • first purchases of tiny baby clothing! awww . . .
I have had a few people ask if there is anything we need, and the answer would be an emphatic "YES!"
We set up a baby registry, mostly to track just exactly what we need, and to be able to purchase it easily.
E-mail me if you would like the link.
We have absolutely nothing for a newborn besides a co-sleeper, a Moby wrap, and a few onesies and towels that we recently purchased.
We are totally open to gently used items! If you have any tiny baby things just waiting to be packed up and passed on, send them our way! :) 

happy list // 08.20.2012

happy list // 08.20.2012
1. THE best chocolate chip cookies. Baked in this tiny cast iron pan, there is nothing better! 2. New cash envelopes for my wallet. One day I would love a gorgeous system like THIS, THIS, or THIS, but in the meantime, this was simple and FREE! 3. Banana Bread baked in my "new" pan I scored on Craigslist for $10! New-In-Box! I am in the process of replacing a few of my kitchen items that are made of aluminum with cast iron, stone,and stainless. It's a process that will happen as I find deals and have money in the "budget." 4. a lovely visit to the midwife. Baby is healthy and growing! Mama feels it! ;) 5. Bedtime snuggles and books. 6. My Girl has taken a great interest lately in baking and cooking. Makes this Mama heart (and closet foodie) happy! 7. I tried my hand at a Dutch Baby Pancake. Oh.My.Goodness. Complete delicious-ness. Try it! It's so simple! 8. the first little baby clothes purchased. My Girl and her Daddy picked them out. SO TINY! 9.Coffee & incense. Mmm . . .

What's been making you HAPPY lately?

happy list // 08.13.2012

happy list // 08.13.2012
1.morning talks with my Mama. She always calms, and re-assures me. Sometimes without saying a word, as I just babble on and on to her most of the time! ;)  2."Come here Mom! Play game!" 3. devilish indulgence. Boston cream on the patio. 4.My Love working away at a project for me. 5.Fall garden planning. 6.My favorite coffee beans, arriving in just the nick of time. I always cut it so close! whew! 7.perfectly ripe organic plums. A nice treat after a week of slim pickins in the fruit department! 8.THIS makes me ridiculously happy! A BUDGET! Worked on together with My Love. Definitely fills my "love bank." (excuse the pun!)  9.quiet time, even if it was in the middle of the afternoon. Have to grab it when I can.

You can see all my past Happy Lists HERE

happy list // 08.07.2012

happy list // 08.07.2012
1.our mornings together // search #kmorningtable on instagram :) 2.my little toast loving guy. A boy after my own heart! (homemade strawberry jam on that there toast! ;) 3.My Girl woke before us Sunday morning and made muffins! All by herself! She had to find the recipe (she knows where to look, I guess I am semi-organized!) gather ingredients and she preheated the oven too! So proud! 4.Mama had a hankerin' for lemon bars. I halved THIS recipe and made them in my Pampered Chef mini bar pan, in the toaster oven. (It's HOT here! I try to run my oven as little as possible! ;) 5.quiet time in the mornings to read and journal. 6.Google Calendar. I would be lost without it. Syncs with my iPhone calendar and my menu planner! I always know what's for dinner on any particular day. I also set alerts to remind me to defrost meat, soak beans, put dinner in Crockpot etc. Lifesaver! I hope to be able to do an additional post on my menu planning soon. 7.a little bit of knitting (even if it was half a row!) and those yummy lemon bars again! 8.watching My Girl create a plethora of pony bead keychains! Her new passion! 9.maternity denim cut-offs, sent to me by Sara just in the nick of time. (They were originally jeans, but it's so stinkin' hot here and they were super long anyway, I made them into cut-offs - Hope you don't mind Sara!!!) All my clothes are getting a bit snug and I've sworn I won't buy any more clothes the whole month of August!

What's been making you HAPPY lately?

You can see all my past Happy Lists HERE
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