happy list // 07.30.2012

Happy List // 07.30.12

1.incense & coffee 2.a favorite pizza eaten on the patio, in the warm, fading, Summer sun 3.this perfectly adorable, chocolate smeared face! 4.strawberry galette with homemade whipped cream. Mmm . . . so simple and delicious! 5.this simple act of playing independently. It is so rare with this one. Surely something to be happy about! 6.20 pounds of tomatoes, from the farm to do with as I please. Salsa, ketchup, & pizza sauce, oh, my! 7.a round of VERY hot mini golf with the kiddos! We've decided it's better as a winter activity! ;) 8.my guys, being "safe" with their safety goggles, sanding wood pieces for the bunk bed in-progress 9.my big helpers!
You can see all my past Happy Lists HERE

28 Weeks

My blog is turning into a pregnancy diary. There is always so much more I could post about, the problem is finding the time to sit down at the computer.
I miss it, but know this is just a season.
One that will quite possibly be even busier in approximately 11 weeks with the arrival of the new baby!
This past weekend we traveled to visit My Love's family.
His siblings and their families were in town visiting his Dad.
It was a good visit.
I was able to pull My Love away at a less busy time and have him capture my 28 week belly.
28 Weeks

28 Weeks

My thoughts couldn't help but wander, as I stood in her yard, to times when Grahamcracker (my Mother-In-Love) tended with her loving hands, the plants and all the beautiful flowers she always had about.

When thinking of names for this little one, so happily anticipated, we have most certainly settled on a middle name if it is a girl. . .

meaning: Famous warrior. Renowned fighter.

Grahamcracker was most certainly a warrior and fighter in my eyes. Even in the most awful days of illness, in the end, she still was such a light, and an awesome example of grace.

Whilst researching the meaning of the name Louise, I came across some info that supposedly applies to people with this name:

"People with this name have a deep inner desire for travel and adventure, and want to set their own pace in life without being governed by tradition."
Grahamcracker was a world traveler, and loved adventure! And she most certainly set her own pace in life!
"People with this name tend to be passionate, compassionate, intuitive, romantic, and to have magnetic personalities. They are usually humanitarian, broadminded and generous, and tend to follow professions where they can serve humanity. Because they are so affectionate and giving, they may be imposed on. They are romantic and easily fall in love, but may be easily hurt and are sometimes quick-tempered."
Much of the above describes Grahamcracker exactly. The traits that were the most predominant were her generosity, and magnetic personality.

I so wish she could meet her grandson and be here for this baby's arrival. She was such a great Grahamcracker!

Sprout Salad

While I'm procrastinating on my grocery list I just had to sit and share this fabulous recipe!
I've had it printed, and in my "to try" folder for quite some time and just today decided to pull together what I had in the crisper, refrigerator, and garden, and finally make it!
sprout salad

Print Recipe

Sprout Salad Recipe

Prep Time: 15 min
Serves: 4


  • 3/4 cup / 6 oz / 170 g plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt plus more to taste
  • 1 handful arugula chopped
  • 1 small bunch chives minced
  • 8 oz mung bean sprouts (or equiv. cooked mung beans) about 2 cups
  • a big handful of well-toasted sliced almonds
  • 1 ripe avocado chopped
  • good extra virgin olive oil
  • to finish: chive flowers (optional)


  1. In a small bowl combine the yogurt, salt, arugula, and chives.
  2. In a larger bowl toss the mung beans and almonds with a splash of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Add the avocado, and gently toss once or twice more.
  3. Serve the mung beans next to the yogurt mixture and drizzle with a bit more olive oil. If you had a few chive flowers in your bunch, sprinkle them across the top.

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Notes: I did not have all the ingredients called for above, or had them in smaller quantities. 
Here are my adaptations...
  • 1/4 cup Greek Gods Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 1 handful of Romaine lettuce; chopped
  • only about 4 ounces of Mung Bean Sprouts (I sprouted them at home and had to snip the brownish root like ends off each one, hence only 4 oz. ;) 
  • I chopped raw almonds and toasted them in the toaster oven
  • I wish I had the avocado! That would have made this salad phenomenal! 
  • since I had no chive flowers, but still wanted a little color pop, I added a very small amount of minced purple onion. 

ten on ten - July 2012

ten on ten - July 2012
Quiet on the patio before everyone else is awake . . .
ten on ten - July 2012
Morning Table . . . (regretfully that pretty little Bible wasn't even opened before the kiddos woke up.)
ten on ten - July 2012
Cleaning the bathroom. A chore that was moved from yesterday. I loathe cleaning bathrooms and washing dishes. Sign me up for all the laundry in the world though! I love doing laundry!
ten on ten - July 2012
Breakfast clean up and washing all our new mason jars . . . this chore was not actually completed until much later in the day, because as stated above, I LOATHE washing dishes! ha!
ten on ten - July 2012
Lunch table. - Baby Boy had already run off by now.
ten on ten - July 2012
Ugh! Measuring for a new nursing bra. Prep for baby's arrival in approximately 14 weeks!
ten on ten - July 2012
pretty little project . . .
ten on ten - July 2012
Making bread for supper . . .
ten on ten - July 2012
Labeling the jam I canned on Saturday. You can find these pretty printable labels HERE
ten on ten - July 2012
A pretty blue kitchen timer! A gift from My Love, delivered today! :)

is a fun monthly photo project to document
"life and beauty among the ordinary things of our day" 
and can be found at 
ten on ten button

happy list // 07.09.2012

happy list //  07.09.2012
1.garden bounty, the peak of season for us! 2.our own cherry tomatoes :: roasted 3.festive red, white, and blue themed breakfast for the holiday. 4.water fun on the 4th of July 5.my helpful little guy snapping beans 6.the book towers are still great fun around here! 7.what would a happy list be without coffee?!  8.this lovely magazine I've been wanting for a while, found at a recent trip to Whole Foods! 9.this lovely space just made me giddy with joy when I happened upon it. ahhh . . .

View past Happy Lists HERE
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