happy list // 05.22.2012

{ blog } happy list // 05.22.2012
1.kisses "bye, bye" from My Little Guy 2.My Girl's creativity, and love of drawing (there have been many a "fashion magazine" designed and labored over in the last few days, an idea spurred on by this Mama sharing a favorite past time.) 3.My Love, who waters our jungle of a garden almost every evening 4.most unexpected, and happily received, "Happy Mail" from a friend 5.chocolate covered strawberries. I may, or may not, have made 3 separate batches in the space of 3 days! 6.afternoons lazing about on the grass, enjoying the sunshine and warmth (My Little Guy at my side) 7.Zinnia seeds My Girl gifted me, in glorious bloom 8.new Rx sunnies. As a full-time glasses "wear-er" this is a true blessing! To see, without squinting at the sun! (Zenni Optical has amazing prices and cute frames.)

You can see all my past Happy Lists HERE

happy list // 05.14.2012

{ blog } happy list // 05.14.2012
This is coming much later in the week than I normally post, but I wanted to post it just the same. :)
1 lovely Quince & Co. yarn to knit baby #3's first hat. A pixie hat. The pattern I am using is a test knit for the amazingly talented (in more ways than one!) Amanda Keeys! What a privilege! And it's ADORABLE! 2. HAPPY MAIL from the ever sweet, and always inspiring Sara Janssen! She sent all kinds of goodies, including all-weather flags. They match the ones I have hung indoors, but are plastic so I hung them on our patio to add to the color already out there! LOVE them! 3. another amazing recipe from Molly Wizenberg and her book A Homemade Life. Banana Bread with Chocolate and Crystallized Ginger. I did not include the ginger and it was still heavenly. I think it may just replace my old standby recipe! The yogurt in the mixture makes for an amazing, moist bread. And the chocolate is just a bit of decadence! Mmm . . . 4. an outing to the Farmers Market on a Saturday morning. All of us together. 5. exploring the park after the market. so much love for my little family! 6. lavender in full bloom. their scent is intoxicating! 7. a new super-soft robe, in a gorgeous color, for Mother's Day. 8. my two boys, at breakfast on a slow morning.

You can see all my past Happy Lists HERE

Iced Maple Latte

- or more accurately, the most delicious thing to ever pass your lips! :)

Right-click the image and save to your computer. Print and share! :)

ten on ten - May 2012

Blueberry pancakes!
{ blog } ten on ten :: May 2012
Morning latte, decorated with a flower made in the foam by My Girl!
ten on ten :: May 2012
Fun making towers with books.
{ blog } ten on ten :: May 2012
I got the sewing bug . . . and I truly prefer knitting. Sewing always frustrates me so!
{ blog } ten on ten :: May 2012
After the thread breaking once, having to re-wind a bobbin and a quick lunch break . . .
{ blog } ten on ten :: May 2012
Viola! A skirt made out of an old dress, and tank top following this tutorial. I've used this tutorial in the past with great success!
{ blog } ten on ten :: May 2012
Trying desperately to hold off buying maternity pants! (Another reason to sew the above skirt! ;)
ten on ten :: May 2012
Off to pick up our farm fresh milk!
ten on ten :: May 2012
Afternoon delight . . . air-popped popcorn, iced maple latte (look for the recipe tomorrow!) and knitting!
ten on ten :: May 2012
Dinner was a little late tonight, but no less delicious. Salmon is a family favorite around here. Even my 2 1/2 year old devours it! Mmm . . .
ten on ten :: May 2012

is a fun monthly photo project to document
"life and beauty among the ordinary things of our day" 
and can be found at 
ten on ten button

P.s. Thought I might add for those interested, a link to the Photoshop actions I have been using and loving lately. They are offered free from the delightful blog GOODKNITS. So fun! I think I've pinned quite a few of her projects on Pinterest. :) Have a look, and enjoy!

happy list // 05.07.2012

{ blog } happy list // 05.07.2012
1. a routine that's sticking 2. fresh basil from the garden (little baby bump made an appearance in this photo. ;)  3. flowers, and my favorite candy bar from My Love 4. my favorite coffee arriving in the nick of time! 5. beautiful, and delicious buckwheat pancakes for breakfast (one of the many recipes we have tried and loved from the book A Homemade Life6. a new bed for My Girl, made by her Daddy! 7. the best homemade brownies. That's saying a lot as I am pretty particular. These are oooey gooey on the inside and have a beautiful shiny top you expect on a good brownie. They are made with only a few ingredients, and taste incredible! I have been looking for a go-to recipe to replace store-bought box mixes that contain ingredients I can hardly pronounce! Success!  8. an incredible new drink: Iced Maple Latte. Oh.My.Yum! (I will be sharing that "recipe" soon. ;)

You can see all my past Happy Lists HERE

Funky Lime Pizza

Fridays are PIZZA NIGHT at our house! It's my favorite day of the week to "cook" because it is so simple to put together and dishes are minimal!
So naturally today I am sharing with you my ultimate favorite pizza combination!
Oh.My.Goodness! It is so YUM!
No red sauce, just some good ol' EVOO lots o' garlic and other yumminess including cilantro, which I LOVE (especially fresh from the garden!)
Sounds like a "funky" combination, but trust me, it is mouth watering-ly good!
I adapted my recipe from my friend Bonnie's version, which she adapted from this version. :)

{ blog } Funky Lime Pizza
Print Recipe

Funky Lime Pizza

Course: Pizza
Serves: 8


  • 1 prepared pizza dough
  • 4 cloves garlic minced
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup corn frozen
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 cups Mozzarella, shredded
  • 1 zucchini, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup feta cheese, crumbled
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh organic cilantro
  • 2 limes juiced
  • Coarse sea salt
  • freshly cracked black pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Roll out your pizza bases and place on pizza trays lined with baking paper. Heat the olive oil in a small frying pan. Add the minced garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, until light brown, being extra careful not to burn. Spread onto rolled out pizza bases (in place or red sauce.) Scatter half of the Mozzarella over the pizzas. Add zucchini. Scatter the remaining Mozzarella. Sprinkle with the feta and corn. Season with coarse sea salt freshly cracked black pepper. Bake for about 8 minutes then swap which rack the pizzas are on. Bake for another 5-8 minutes, until cheese is browned to your liking. Immediately after removing the pizza from the oven, squeeze limes over the top and cover with cilantro. Serve with additional lime.

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*Here is my recipe for pizza dough. The only difference these days is that I use King Arthur White Whole Wheat flour in place of the All-Purpose.
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