
{blog} Popovers
{blog} Popovers
{blog} birdies
{blog} bokeh
I love the light of early morning . . .
and popovers that do not "fall" . . .
my Mama's enthusiasm over my baking . . .
and my star, butterflies, hearts, and little birdies . . .


Perhaps one reason I have been so absent from this space. :)
There is hardly a day that goes by that I don't knit a few stitches.
It's borderline obsessive.
And I love it!
See what I've been knitting on Ravelry.
Friend me if you'd like. ;)

And you must check out this book!

Just darling!

Although I have been quiet here, I still post quite regularly to Instagram.
You can view my feed HERE :)

treasures. . .

These images have been sitting in draft for months, waiting for the right words to express how much they mean to me.
I just cannot put my feelings to words, so I will let the images speak . . .

Thank you for this indescribable gift Alicia!
(images made nearly a year ago, funny to see the changes in the kids.)
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