Delicious Autumn

Delicious Autumn
A cool front is settling in here, and finally the temperatures are feeling like those of Autumn.
A couple days ago we woke to a blanket of immensely dense fog...It was beautiful!
I especially loved the view of my neighbor's Mimosa tree.
I have a special fondness for Mimosa trees.
My childhood memories are filled with images of brilliant pink blooms abundantly dotting the trees along the roads of Virginia.
I spent quite a few years there as a child and still visit from time to time.
I would venture to say, that aside from the Weeping Willow, another tree from my childhood, it is my favorite tree.
Birch Trees will always hold a special place in my heart as well. :)

Delicious Autumn

Delicious Autumn
This weekend we are carving pumpkins which has been a yearly tradition since 2004.
As part of the tradition, we'll also be enjoying delicious Pumpkin Soup with Fresh Baked Bread and a crisp Autumn salad.
I can't wait!

*I found the above quote while perusing blogs the other day. It speaks my feelings of Autumn exactly...It also prompted me to look into the author "George Eliot"... An intriguing WOMAN! She used a male pen name, she said, to ensure her works be taken seriously.

Wordless Wednesday // 10.25.2011

2011.10.25 Wordless Wednesday

happy list // 10.24.2011

1. My Girl, learning about the human body
2. Baby Boy, ever so helpful in the kitchen. It's his favorite room in the house...a true boy with a bottomless tummy, and a fierce desire to "help." :) 
3. gardening with my loves on a rare, cool Autumn morning.
4. Delicious Vegan Pumpkin Muffins. These things are to-die-for! I made them for Baby Boy's birthday, and then again a couple days later. We love them that much! (I'll post the recipe soon, but be warned...they are chock full of sugar, and addicting!)
5. Nutella face! Baby Boy loves it! (despite the images here, we do still eat our veggies! ;) every day.)
6. A rare photo of My Girl and I together. She is  a bit camera shy these days, but we were feeling pretty spiffy this particular day, in our cool weather clothing and hat, so I whipped out the camera.
7. Baby Boy and Daddy snuggling after 3 days of separation. We all missed him when he had to go away for work.
8. A budget...*gasp* ...and sticking to it with these nifty envelopesThis app is pretty awesome too. I've only used it for a couple of weeks, and have  already upgraded from the lite version. ;)

// Flashback Friday // Hide & Seek

01. 2011

730 Days

We recently celebrated 730 wonderful days with Baby Boy!
We kept the celebration low-key and limited to just the four of us.
For fun we went to the local pumpkin patch, where both of the kids experienced their first hay ride pulled by a John Deere tractor!
We picked out our pumpkins to carve, and two little ones to paint.
Afterwards, we ate yummy Pumpkin Muffins and opened Sissy's present. (A Mini Pillow Pet that matches hers!)
Daddy & Mommy are still making his present...will share later. ;)
It was a beautiful day, to celebrate a beautiful boy!














{ blog } cake


happy list // 10.10.2011

1.  Morning Glories in our backyard, these are probably some of the last blooms until Spring 2. My Girl up a tree. Thankful for cooler weather so we can enjoy the outdoors again! 3. My Loves playing jacks. 4. hammock+coffee=bliss 5. Salad Box refilled...Mmm... 6. growth in the garden 7. Nutella+refrigerated crescent rolls=simply devilish indulgence. 8. Weekly Menu & grocery shopping done! See what we're eating HERE
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