// Flashback Friday // 2010 Vacation - The Beach House

It's about time I finish up our Vacation 2010 pictures! It's been nearly a year since we went! 
This cute little beach house lived up to it's pictures online. I loved all the bright colors, and decor. 

The Master Bedroom
Kid's Room
Kitchen/Dining Area
Living Area
 You can see the rest of our vacation pictures HERE HERE HERE and HERE :)

Summertime Blues

Photo taken by My Love. Apron Frock sewn by Yours Truly :)
The summertime blues?!
Seems like an impossible concept to most.
I compare summertime where we live, to winter when we lived in Alaska.
The temperatures are too hot for most outdoor activities, and are limited to early morning, and late evening.
Unless you have your own personal swimming pool there's only so many times you can indulge in that pleasure, despite what My Girl would have you believe. :)
I just recently went through a two week funk where I struggled with feeling really down and inadequate in most areas of my life. I was sad...
The weather was a big contributor. It's hard not being able to just jump on our bikes and go for a ride. The sandbox in the backyard sits abandoned for the season. (We do occasionally get out early enough in the morning to enjoy it for a bit.)
Even our poor little garden is suffering in this heat. We aren't harvesting as much as we would have hoped.
I know there is a time and season for everything. Soon enough it will be Fall, and everything will be green once more, and the temperatures will be cooler...I long for the days I can sit in my hammock chair and sip tea...or spread out a blanket and have a backyard picnic.
There is much to be thankful for even in these horrendous temperatures...
Abundant sunshine, heat that warms you (sometimes more than you'd like) blue skies, and big white puffy clouds…
My Love has had the past week and a half off from work, and we've just been enjoying our time together. Mostly at home.
We are looking forward to friends coming to visit the first part of next week!

best green smoothie *edited*

I just made the most perfect green smoothie combination today! I was getting burnt out on bananas and berries.

Here's what I added:
2 navel oranges peeled
1 cup frozen pineapple
splash of coconut milk
a bit of organic agave nectar
approx. 1/2 cup filtered water
6-8 ice cubes
Blend all of the above ingredients very well before adding greens.
Add to mixture:
approx. 4 cups organic baby spinach

Blend, blend, blend...no one likes chunky smoothies!
I gave My Girl a bit today, and she asked for MORE! So yummy!

happy list // 07.11.2011

1. Farmer's Market goodness 2. Saturday snuggles with Baby Boy 3. My Girl and her urge to organize the craft & game closets!   
4. dreamy sky...I love white puffy clouds! 5. early morning watering in my most favorite shoes 6. Quinoa...I am in love with this stuff. Can't get enough! 7. lovely early morning light  8. eggplant fries...I made these two days in a row! Especially good with creamy hot sauce.


Have you taken the time lately, to just play ?

// Flashback Friday // Peppermint Patties

Me: 1981 My Girl: 2004
My Girl and I both shared a love for York Peppermint Patties when we were toddlers. When My Girl was little, I used to always have a bag in the house, and so did Grahamcracker. I think I might just have to pick some up soon! :)
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