HAPPY 'one day closer to the Lord' DAY!!!!!

When my friend Steve posted this on my Facebook wall on my birthday, I took it as "another year to grow closer to the Lord."
But of course, being the jokester he is, he actually meant it to be taken as "you're not getting any younger and you will meet your Maker sooner rather than later!" Ha! Ha! :) Funny guy!

You know the saying "You're only as old as you feel..."
Some days I feel like a haggard old lady and others I feel as young and free as a kid.
Like last weekend when our little family went roller skating (a whole blog post on it's own coming soon) it took me no time at all to go whipping around that indoor rink like I was 9 again!
Then 2 days later I was aching and felt muscles I hadn't felt in years! ha! ha!
It has been a challenging year to say the least.
New town, new routines, new weather, new lessons learned about myself.
Here's to a new year full of new adventures!

ten on ten - March 2011

This morning when I hopped on Facebook, a link to this project popped up via Under The Sycamore
A good thing I hadn't been planning to do this project for weeks or it would have never come to fruition.
I work best under pressure and procrastinate like crazy if you haven't noticed! ;)
I jumped right in and took ten photos of our day, at 10 past the hour in fact. Total coincidence.
Here's a peek into out day:

My littles snuggled on the couch.
Coffee and preparing to order prints from our family photo session last month.
Time to get dressed!
He's such a cutie!
My Girl wasn't feeling well, as many of us around here, so she spent most of the day resting in bed watching movies.
Time to clean up the dishes! Breakfast, lunch AND the mess I made assembling dinner in the crockpot.
Tea time, and more work with photos. :)
Finishing up the laundry.
Making up myself...late but I thought I might be going out. ;)
Finished out the photo project with more work with photos! ;) Cleaned all my cards and organized some photos. 

Today was a good day...and I really enjoyed doing this project. 

// Flashback Friday // August 2010 ~ Babylegs

10 month old baby legs...they're not as chubby these days, but they are just as yummy! :)

These regular posts are about all I had time for this week.
Between mounting housework and a sick baby...
I wrote many a blog post in my head throughout the week and have a draft saved...we'll see if I ever get to publishing it.
Have a great weekend!
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